Since the Indian Bus Scene thread is closed, I am just starting a new thread for specific products, inline with GTO's views.
I wanted to start with Viking, as this is one bus, seeing which I grown developing interests in buses.
This is one of the long standing product from AL's stable for more than 35 years. This was born in the year 1976 with a unique door at front over hang. Since then Viking has undergone several changes in the past suiting to various emission and regulation norms which raised as and when.
One of the first made Viking

Infact a unique 193" WB model was specifically developed to Kerala meeting Kerala Motor Vehicle Regulation requirement. With never ending applications,it fits all from long distance intercity to city bus to shuttle bus. This chassis was a preferred one for most of the STU's, bacause of its simple and rugged design. This was easily, one was the service friendly chassis ever developed by Ashokleyland.
For example, the clutch operating is still mechanical(this is the only MDV bus which is still Mechanical). Normally manufacturers switch to hydraullic from mechanical actuation in clutch for the simple reason, they reduce the driver fatigue during clutch operation. And infact hydraullic actuation is one of the USP's for several other buses and truck models. But this brings in little complexity in maintaining slave cylinder / master cylinder and without proper maintenance actually reduces the clutch plate life. So in case of Viking, the USP still is the Mechanical clutch operation -with effort equalling to hydraullic mechanisms. The mechanical linkages are designed such a way that they are user friendly, and there by it is almost maintenance free.
Same way with life the of major aggregates like GB, axles, and tyre life.
And most importantly the inline pump option which is very friendly even for adulterated fuel and servicing. So the operating cost was very less for even a smaller operator who owns less than 10 buses.
Other improvements which AL made from time to time like larger brake lining, reduced engine oil/GB oil change interval kept this product always ahead of competition from BS 0 to BS 4.
Viking has made two important migrations in the past:
1.With thrust for alternate fuels was just emerging, Viking was introduced
with a naturally aspirated CNG engine option specifically designed for BEST. This was in the year 1997 even before the Supreme court regulations and later more than 4000 buses joined DTC fleet. Now more than 10000 Viking CNG buses are on road

A APSRTC CNG 222" Viking
2.Floor height reduction from std 1050mm to 860mm - reducing three step floor into a two step floor bus chassis. This was the first time such floor height option was explored in a standard floor bus,and was first given to BEST in the year 2003. Air suspension was a standard fitment and this considerably changed the over all riding pattern in rural and urbal mass transportation. The road conditions were very bad in many metros when it was launched and since it came with reduced floor height and air suspension, many was not really convinced that it will be a hit.
But thanks to its better design,appropriate wheel base and over hang dimension, it made great inroads into STU fleets.
With Viking coming out with 860mm, later after few years has become the norms under Ministry of Urban Development for city transportation that min floor height that's to be maintained will be 900mm, and this was regularised in JNnurm scheme. Now more than 20000 Viking SLF's are on road
From MTC

Now currently with 4 wheel base options - 154",193",210",222"(Interestingly Front over hang is common across all these models), 2 floor options - 1050 mm, 860mm, 2 fuel options - diesel and CNG and 4 engine options - 160hp inline BSIII, 180hp EDC BSIII,165hp CRS BSIV and 125hp CNG BS IV, Viking is the largest selling bus in India for several years.
I am just bringing some glimpses of Viking since inception and operated by various state transport undertakings.
A MSRTC 222" Viking
A KaSRTC 222" Viking
A KeSRTC 222" Viking
A NMMT 222" Viking
A Historic cross border bus service between Delhi - Lahore served by a Viking.
A Viking from Srilanka under the Lanka Ashokleyland.
A baby Viking - 154" WB one from TNSTC CBE
A MTC 222" Viking BS4 - CRS
A DTC 222" Viking BSIV CNG SLF
A weirdly designed Viking @ Tirumala
A late 80's DCTC Viking
And a very special our Raj's Aiswarya Travels
For those, who have not seen a bus body structure, here it is
TNSTC 222 Viking BS III - 160hp Variant.
None of the images(except last one) used are mine and Copyright goes to respective owners