Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: on · cón · fón · lón · N
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
ón1. Lit: 1. dem. pron. This, that. Fíor duit ~, that is true for you. Is eadh ~, that is so. 2. (Expletive particle, usually in repetitive statement) Cumha liom ~ cumha liom, I long, oh, how I long.
ón2 : ó4.
-ón3, suff. m. (gs. & npl. -óin, gpl. ~). 1. -one. 2. -on.
I bhfad ón ~, wide of the mark, irrelevant.
Fógraíodh, tugadh amach, ón ~ é, (i) it was announced from the altar, (ii) he was proclaimed, denounced, from the altar.
Fan ~ ón tine, stay away from the fire.
Ón lá seo ~, from this day forward.
Culaith nua ~ as an bpíosa, ~ ón tsnáthaid, a new suit just completed.
ón trá, as an tobar, up from the strand, out of the well.
Rud a ardú ón talamh, to raise sth. off the ground.
Ó ~ go mac; ón ~ go dtí an mac, from father to son; in direct line.
Tháinig sé ón m~, he recovered from, escaped, death.
Thug sin ón m~ é, that saved his life.
Ón m~ go dtí an mórán, from little to much.
Níl aige ach ón lámh go dtí an ~, he lives from hand to mouth.
Tá sé céad slat as seo, míle ón trá, siúl uaire chun na páirce, it is a hundred yards from here, a mile from the strand, an hour’s walk to the park.
Is fada ón luaith an ~, there’s many a slip twixt the cup and the lip.
~ le grian, ón ngrian, tanned by the sun.
Tá sé éirithe amach ón g~, he has gone off his rocker.
Ar ~ ón tréad, missing from the herd.
Dár gceannach ón mbás, to redeem us from death.
Ní raibh mé i bhfad ón g~, I was not far wrong.
Tá sé ~ ón lá a rugadh é, he has been peevish since the day he was born.
Ag ceiliúradh ón obair, backing out of the work.
Is fada ón gcneá an ~, ‘the poultice is far from the wound’, the remedy does not touch the root of the disease.
~adh ón bhfírinne, to deviate from the truth.
Ón g~, from the cradle, from infancy.
Rud a chraoladh ón altóir, to announce sth. from the altar.
Chronaigh mé an leabhar ón tseilf, I noticed the book missing from the shelf.
Amach ón ~, brand-new.
Seanrud ón ~, a relic of the flood; a very old(-fashioned) thing.
Dhruid siad amach ón gcé, ón gcladach, they stood off from the quay, from the shore.
Ba dhual dó sin ón dá thaobh, he took that from both sides of his family.
Rud a ghearradh (amach, aníos) ón ~, ó bhun na ~e, to cut sth. right down to the stump.
Níl ~ againn ón éag, we can’t escape death.
Éalú ón tóir, to evade the pursuit.
~ ón dlí, fugitive from the law.
~ ón mbás, one who escapes death.
Éirí ón talamh, to rise from the ground.
Ón déirc a d’~ sé, he rose from beggary.
Níl sé i bh~ ón scór, he is not far short of twenty.
~acht ón scoil, to absent oneself from school.
ón ól, to keep away from drink.
Le ~ ón ngaoth, down wind, away from the direction of the wind.
Bhí ~ ón aonach leis, he brought a present from the fair.
Tá ~ ón diabhal ann, he is an imp of Satan.
Ag dul i bh~ ón bhfírinne, deviating from the truth.
~ an bhó ón arbhar, head back the cow from the corn.
~eadh ón olc, to turn away from, renounce, evil.
D’fhógair sé ón altóir é, he announced it from the altar.
~ ón mbáisteach, drenching from rain.
~ ón stoirm, shelter from the storm.
A ~adh ón Spiorad Naomh, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit.
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