bán1, m. (gs. báin, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. White. Is deise an ~ ná an dubh ort, white looks nicer than black on you. Chuirfeadh sé an dubh ina bhán ort, he would persuade you that black was white. 2. ~ na súl, albinism.
bán2, m. (gs. báin, pl. ~ta). 1. Lea; grassland. ~ta na Mí, the grassy plains of Meath. 2. Uncultivated land. S.a. pocaire1 2(a), preabaire 2.
bán3, a1. 1. White. Teach, hata, capall, ~, white house, hat, horse. ~ ná riabhach, ~ ná dearg, at all. Airgead ~, silver money. S.a. bád, binn1 4, cailín 4, canónach, dáthabha, dubh2 3, feoil 1. 2. White-headed. (Hypocoristic) Mo chailín, mo leanbh, ~, my darling girl, child. S.a. buachaill 1. 3. Fair. Gruaig bhán, fair hair. 4. Pale. Aghaidh bhán, pale, pallid, face. D’éirigh sé ~ sa ghnúis, his face blanched. 5. Albinotic. 6. (Of speech) Tá béal ~ aige, he is fair-spoken, plausible. S.a. béal 1(b). 7. Tá an lá ~ ann, it is clear day. Sa, leis an, lá ~, in broad daylight. 8. Sioc ~, hoar-frost. 9. Blank. Leathanach ~, blank page. 10. Empty. Tá an teach, an áit, ~, the house, the place, is deserted. 11. Idle. Ógánaigh ag imeacht ~, youths going around indolent, becoming wastrels. Ní ~ dom trácht air, I ought to mention it. 12. Wild, crazy. Tá sé imithe ~ ina diaidh, he is gone crazy after her. 13. Talamh ~, fallow land; lea, grass-land.
bán4 = bábhún.
bán5 = bánaigh1.
Bán, dubh, san ~, pale-, dark-, faced.
~t idir an dubh agus an bán, idir an mhaith agus an t-olc, to know black from white, right from wrong.
Tá an talamh ~ bán, the land is lying fallow.
~ bán, donn, white, brown, sauce.
~ bán, geal, white bread; baker’s bread.
An ~ bán, the emigrant ship.
Cuir an bháin ar an gcuntar, put your silver on the counter.
Chuir mé cluiche agus bhí mé dhá phingin sa bháin, I got a game and was owed twopence from the kitty.
An tír ag dul i m~, chun ~, the country becoming waste, depopulated.
~ bán, white homespun cloth.
Fear an bháinín (bháin), the Connemara labourer.
~ bán, purulent eruption from over-ripe grain or potato.
Tá ~ bán ar an lá, the day is dawning.
~ bán a dhéanamh le duine, a thabhairt do dhuine, to softsawder s.o.
Deartháir don bhréag an ~ bán, flattery is akin to falsehood.
~ de chaoirigh bána, two white sheep.
Dul don bhinn bhán, to go to bed.
~ bán na Bealtaine, hawthorn blossom, May.
~ bán na bprátaí, potato blossom.
Tá ~ bán ar gharraí an iascaire, the sea is flecked with foam.
Is í ~ bán na tíre í, she is the fairest in the land.
Tá ~ bán an bháis air, he has a deathly pallor.
Níl a leithéid faoin m~ bán, there is nothing like it under the sun.
Níl ~ bán agam, I haven’t a penny.
2. ~ plúir, bán, white sauce.
~ bhán, dhubh, náisiúnta, sheolta, white, black, national, sailing, flag.
Bráithre Bána, White Friars, Carmelites.
Bráithre bána, (i) white-crested waves, (ii) grubs of bees.
~ bán, fair-haired boy; favourite son.
Na Buachaillí Bána, the Whiteboys.
An rud atá sa bhun bhán (tá sé sa bharr ghlas), what is bred in the bone comes out in the flesh.
Caisleáin bhána ar an spéir, an accumulation of white clouds in the sky, on the horizon.
~ glas, bán, green, white (-hearted), cabbabge.
C~ Bán, Agaistíneach, White, Augustinian, Canon.
5. Capaill bhána, white horses, crested waves.
Gan ‘~ dubh’ ná ‘~ bán’ a rá leis, not to say anything (acrimonious) to him.
~ bán, dubh, rua, liath, cas, (gruaige), fair, dark, red, grey, curly, head (of hair).
~ bán, dlúth, modartha, white, thick, murky, fog.