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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: án · -án · · lán- · lána
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
lán1, m. (gs. & npl. láin, gpl. ~). Full. 1. (a) ~ gloine, seomra, sráide, glassful, roomful, streetful. Tá ~ an leathanaigh ann, it fills, is enough to fill, the page. Tá siad ~ an tí ann, there is a houseful of them; they are a big family. ~ boise, doirn, glaice, palmful, fistful, handful. ~ coise, foothold. Cuir a ~ ann, fill it up. Dhá ~ spúnóige, two spoonfuls. Tá a thrí ~ ann, there is enough to fill it thrice over. S.a. béal 1(b), craiceann 1, iall1 2(a), 1 1, súil 1. (b) Tá ~ an chéid ann, it is a full hundredweight. Tá ~ an dorais ann, he fills the doorway. Bhain sé ~ na bliana asainn, it took us a whole year. Bhuailfeadh sé ~ an chúigir agaibh, he could beat all five of you. (c) Faoi ~ siúil, going full speed. Faoi ~ seoil, under full sail. Bhí ~ reatha faoi, he was running at full stretch. 2. (a) Contents, charge. ~ gráin, a charge of shot. An ~ a bhaint as na gunnaí, to unload the guns. Lit: An ~ a bhí ina broinn, the child she was carrying in her womb. (b) Filling, moulding (of earth). ~ a chur le prátaí, to mould potatoes. Ag caitheamh láin, moulding, filling ridges (with clay). 3. An ~ mara, the (flood) tide; high tide. ~ mara rabharta, spring tide (at the full). Barr láin (mhara), high tide. Uachtar, íochtar, láin, high-, low-, water mark. Tá ~ mara eile san fharraige, the tide never goes out so far but it always comes in again. S.a. béal 6. 4. Pride, arrogance. Tá ~ an tsaoil, an domhain, faoi, he is full of worldly pride. Is mór an ~ atá faoi, he is full of his own importance. Ite le ~, consumed with pride. 5. Great deal; much, many. (a) With art.) Is mór an ~ airgid é, it is a great deal of money. (b) (With poss.a. a) A ~ uisce, much water. A ~ daoine, many people. Mar a shíl a ~ againn, as many of us thought. Is fíor a ~ de, a lot of it is true. Shiúil sé a ~, he travelled a great deal. Deir sé a ~ nach bhfuil sa phaidir, he says more than his prayers. S.a. lámh 19(d).
lán2, m. (gs. & npl. láin, gpl. ~). Curve, bend. ~ i maide, curve in stick. Tá ~ ina chosa, he is bandy-legged. Bain an ~ as do dhroim, straighten your back.
lán3, a1. Full. 1. ~ bainne, de bhainne, full of milk. ~ grinn, full of fun. Teach ~, full house. Tá an áit ~ leo, the place is filled with them. ~ go doras, (of house) full to the door(s). ~ go snaidhm, (of purse) bulging (le hairgead, with money). ~ amach thar an tsúil, (of vessel) full to overflowing. Chomh ~ le mála píbe, as full as can be. Tá sé ~ agam, I have filled it. Tá sé ~ de féin, he is full of his own importance. ~ de lán, puffed up with pride. ~ nó dada, ~ nó loic, all-or-none. Nau: Tá sé ~, it is high tide. S.a. crúiscín 2. 2. (As adv.) Tá ~ níos mó ná an ceart ann, it is just over the right amount. Tá tú ~ níos láidre ná é, you are rather stronger than he is. Tá sin ~ chomh holc leis, that is every bit as bad as it. Tá sé ~ chomh maith againn suí, we may just as well sit.
lán4 = lánaigh.
A lán, much, many.
Tá an buidéal lán ~ sa bheag, the bottle is practically full.
Tá sí lán d’~, she is full of life, high-spirited.
Tá an bhá lán d’ainmhithe inniu, the bay is full of seals, etc., today.
Lán d’~, in high spirits.
Lán go ~, full to the brim.
Bhí an teach lán go ~, the house was packed.
Níl sé lán ná ~ air, it is not nearly full.
~ láin (mhara), ~ taoide, high tide; high-water mark.
Thug sé lán an bhata dó, he laid into him with the stick; he was quite a match for him.
Lán do bhéil a bhaint as duine, to eat the face off s.o.
Dúirt tú lán béil d’fhocal, you said a mouthful.
Tá sé ina lán béil acu, they speak of him as a great fellow.
Lán go ~, full to the brim.
~ láin, low-water mark.
Tá lán na ~e ann, he is a full-bodied man.
Thug tú lán na ~e dó, you gave him a good belting.
Bhí a lán ~í aici, she had a lot of rhymes and anecdotes.
Níl ag fear ~ ach lán a chluas a thabhairt leis, a deaf man can only attempt to understand what is said.
Lán go ~, full up, packed.
Lán do bhonn d’áit éigin a fháil, to get one’s feet firmly planted somewhere.
Tabhair lán a bhonn den bhóthar, den chnoc, dó, let him take the road, to the hills; send him packing.
Lán boise, palmful, handful.
Lán boise de dhuine, diminutive person.
3. Tá sé lán de bhrainsí, he is full of tricks.
Focal lán de bhrí, a most expressive word.
Lán go ~, full to overflowing.
Lán castaí, full of twists;
Is fearr lán doirn de cheird ná lán mála d’ór, a handful of skill is better than a bagful of gold.
Tá sé lán de cheol, he is full of life.
Lán ~ dócha, just as likely.
Is ~ (iad) na linnte lána, still waters run deep.
Lán de chleithireacht, full of tricks.
Fuair mé lán mo chliatháin de, it was as much as I could do.
~a duine a líonadh; lán na g~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to fill s.o.’s ears with idle talk.
~, lán cráige, de rud, handful of sth.
Tá lán a chraicinn fós ann, he is still a full-bodied, robust, man.
Lán do chroibh de rud, a handful of sth.
Tá sí lán ~ (agus anama), she is full of life.
An ~ lán, bumper (of whiskey, etc.).
Bhí an teach lán ó chúl go doras, the house was packed out.
Lán doirn de mhilseáin, fistful of sweets.
Tá an áit lán díobh, the place is full of them.
~ don phocán lán, undeserving charity.
Dúirt sé sin agus a lán ~ de, he said that and a lot besides.
~, lán doirn, de rud, fistful, handful, of sth.
Lán do dhoirn de dhuine, de pháiste, a tiny person, child.
Lán go ~, full to the brim.
Bhí a lán dá dhua agam, I had to work hard for it, had a lot of difficulty with it.
Tá sé lán ealaíon, he is full of tricks, wiles.
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