oirchill, f. (gs. ~e). 1. Act of preparing, making ready (for). Ag ~ an chomhraic, preparing for the encounter. 2. Preparation, provision, readiness; expectation. ~ a dhéanamh faoi chomhair duine, ruda, to make preparations for s.o., sth. Bhí féasta acu inár n-~, they had a feast ready for us. In ~ a dtiocfaidh, ready for all comers. In ~ na hoíche, in readiness for the night. In ~ an bháis, in anticipation of death. An rud atá ina ~, what is in store for him. Trí ~ Dé, by God’s providence. 3. Lying in wait, ambush. Bheith, fanacht, in ~ ar dhuine, to lie in wait for s.o. 4. Treachery. Tá an ~ ann, he is a treacherous person.