📎 Download the 2024 PreCamp Packet - Please read this document carefully, it explains the following required forms, and provides a significant amount of additional information.
To complete the required camp forms, please log-in to your account on our registration portal, to complete the following forms:
- Authorization Forms (completed at time of registration)
- Camper Vaccination Status (completed at time of registration)
- Camper Profile (please wait until 1-2 months before your camper arrives at camp to complete this form)
- Health History (not available before Jan 1st)
- Travel Questionnaire
Log-in to your account here: https://teencamp.campbrainregistration.com/
In addition you will need to download a copy of Physicians Recommendation Form, have it completed within 6 months of your campers arrival at camp. 📎 Download the Physicians recommendation form. Please upload your completed form at the registration portal, or email to [email protected]
If your camper is required to carry an Epi-Pen or Inhaler, please download the 📎 Permission to Carry form. Please upload your completed permission to carry form at the registration portal, or email to [email protected]