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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions page! We have compiled a list of the most common questions we have been asked regarding, online subscriptions, home delivery service, news content, advertising and technical support for our website. Since we have included questions and answers pertaining to a variety of topics, we have broken down the following list by subject. If you do not see your question on the list, please let us know and we will be glad to answer it. You can use the Contact Us page to help direct you to the correct department.

By subject: / Online Subscriptions

Print Subscriptions / Home Delivery

News Content


Technical Support


TheDerrick .com / Online Subscriptions

  1. If I select “Add Online Service to my Home Delivery” when placing my order for an online subscription, will my card be charged for both my delivery subscription and my online subscription?

    No, your credit card will not be charged for both subscriptions. Your card will only be charged for the online subscription. The option "Add Online Service to my Home Delivery" should be used when you have a delivery subscription and are simply adding the online subscription to it.

  2. When purchasing an online subscription, what does "Add Online Service to my Home Delivery" mean?

    This option means that you have home or mail delivery and are adding an online subscription to go with it. The online subscription is only $2/month if you maintain an active and current delivery subscription.

  3. When purchasing an online subscription, what does "Online Only" mean?

    This option means that you do not have an active and current delivery subscription and are only interested in purchasing online access.

  4. After I submit my order for an online subscription, how long does it take for my online access to begin?

    Your online access begins immediately after submitting your order.

  5. How quickly will my credit card be charged when I submit my order for an online subscription?

    Your credit card is charged immediately.

  6. Is there a way to order an online subscription without giving my credit card information over the internet?

    Yes. You can call the Oil City Office at 814-677-8348 or 800-352-1002 to give your information over the phone, or you can mail your payment (made payable to The Derrick Publishing Co.) to: Venango Newspapers, Attn.: Online Subscription Dept., P.O. Box 889, Oil City, PA 16301.

  7. Can you bill me for my online subscription?

    We do not bill for an online subscription order or renewal. All online subscriptions require prepayment before the subscription can be activated. For a business needing an invoice, we can, upon special request, mail or email an invoice for an online subscription.

    Instead of mailing a bill for an online subscription renewal, our system sends an automatic email reminder approximately 30 days before the expiration date. A second reminder, if needed, is sent approximately 10 days before the expiration date. A third and final email is sent when the subscription expires. The emails are sent to the email address listed on the online account.

  8. Will my online subscription stop when it expires, or do I need to notify someone?

    The online subscription will automatically stop on the expiration date. You do not need to notify anyone if you choose not to renew.

  9. How do I qualify for the $2/month online subscription rate?

    To qualify for the $2/month online subscription rate, your delivery subscription (home delivery or mail delivery) must be active and current. The delivery subscription must then remain active and current for the entire duration of the online subscription. If your delivery subscription does not remain active and current, then the online subscription will be assessed at the online-only rate from that point forward and terminated once any unused monies have been used in full.

  10. Do I have to pay for a whole year when signing up online?

    No. We have several long-term options available. The rates are as follows:

    Online only (you do not have an active and current delivery subscription to The Derrick or The News-Herald):
    30 days: $16
    90 days: $45
    180 days: $56
    365 days: $101

    Online added to print (you have an active and current delivery subscription to The Derrick or The News-Herald and are adding an online subscription to it):
    90 days: $6
    180 days: $12
    365 days: $24

    We also have single-day subscriptions available for $2.95. These subscriptions grant access to the website for 24 hours from the time of purchase. To purchase a single-day subscription, click on "Buy This Issue" located under the Home button or select "ONE-DAY ONLINE ACCESS" on the purchase page.

  11. How do I order someone a gift subscription to

    There are a few different ways to order a gift subscription. You can:

    1) Call the Oil City office at 814-677-8348 or 800-352-1002 to provide the information over the phone. We will need your information (name and billing address) with a form of prepayment (Visa, MasterCard or Discover) and the gift recipient’s information (name, address, phone number and email address). The gift recipient’s email address will be his or her username on our website. We will email the recipient a password to use to login on the site, along with instructions about how to change the password once logged in.
    2) Click on Submission Forms under the Home button. Find the section called Online Subscription Services and click on the form called "Give an Online Gift Subscription."
    3) Stop by one of our offices to give us your information.

  12. I’m a home delivery subscriber, and in the winter I leave and stop my paper delivery. How much would it cost to view the paper online while I’m gone?

    As long as a credit of at least $2.00 remains on your delivery subscription while it is temporarily stopped for the winter, then you can take advantage of our special “snowbird” policy and view the paper online for $2/month while you are away.

  13. Is there additional content available online that is not in the printed paper?

    Yes. Additional “online only” content includes:
    * Breaking news
    * News updates about non-breaking news items, such as traffic alerts and ongoing topic-specific coverage 
    * Three individual pages covering Pittsburgh sports, specifically the Pittsburgh Steelers, Penguins and Pirates
    * Several blogs covering different subjects
    * Local news videos filmed by our reporters
    * Special-topic videos filmed by local school students, plus videos submitted to us by readers
    * Copies of past special sections (sections providing extensive content about special topics and events such as estate planning, pets and Applefest)
    * Additional photos and photo galleries that were not published in the paper
    * Reader-submitted photo slideshows
    * Searchable archives of past editions of the paper dating back to 2010
    * Up-to-date national and world news, updated continuously throughout the day
    * Related content suggestions for every article
    * The Sports Den, a special sports section for local high school sports news and score updates
    * Interactive Garage Sale Map
    * A NASCAR section updated frequently throughout the week

  14. Is the news content on the website from both papers, or is it only from The Derrick?

    All of the news content in both The Derrick and The News-Herald is published on

  15. Are the puzzles (crossword, sudoku and cryptoquote) available online?

    Yes, the puzzles are available in the Entertainment section at They are uploaded as PDFs so that they can easily be printed to your personal printer.

  16. Are the advertising inserts in my home-delivered newspaper available in the online version?

    No. The advertising inserts that are in the paper are delivered to us in print form only. To view a business's flyer, we recommend visiting the store or going to that business's website (when possible).

  17. Are the special sections in my home-delivered newspaper available in the online version?

    Yes. Our in-house special sections are available to read for free on the website. Each special section remains on our website for six months from the day it publishes. All of the special sections currently available on our website can be viewed at

  18. What is The Clarion News? Is it included with my online subscription to

    The Clarion News is a separate newspaper that publishes on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week. It reports news from the Clarion area. The paper’s website,, is updated twice a week when the paper is published. A separate subscription is necessary to view the online version of The Clarion News—it is not included with your online subscription to The pricing structure is as follows:

    Online only (you do not have an active and current delivery subscription to The Clarion News):
    6 months: $20
    12 months: $39

    Online added to print (you have an active and current delivery subscription to The Clarion News and are adding an online subscription to it):
    6 months: $3
    12 months: $5

  19. On the website, there is an tab in the main navigation menu that says “e-Edition” (see image below). What is that?

    The e-Edition tab contains two electronic PDF versions of the printed paper—a page-by-page version and a scrolling print edition version. The page-by-page version, called the e-Edition, enables you to view the pages of the hard copy paper one at a time. This is very useful when you are looking to read one specific page, such as the front page or the scoreboard page. The scrolling print edition version, called the Scroll Edition, enables you to view the pages of the hard copy paper consecutively by scrolling down through the entire paper. Please note that the scrolling print edition version may take a little longer to open than the e-Edition because your computer must open a temporary file of the entire paper rather than a singular page. Both versions work best if you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.

  20. I need to change my mailing address for my online subscription account. How do I do that online?

    Login on and then follow these steps:

    From your desktop:
    1) Click on the drop-down arrow next to your screen name (located in the top right corner after you've logged in).
    2) Click on Profile.
    3) Click on Edit Profile.
    4) Click on Edit Contact Info.
    5) When you are done making changes, click on the "Edit contact info" button (located at the bottom of your contact information) to save your changes.

    From your mobile device:
    1) Tap on the three horizontal bars in the top right corner of the website.
    2) Tap on Dashboard.
    3) Tap on User Account.
    4) Edit your contact info.
    5) When you are done making changes, tap on the "Edit contact info" button (located at the bottom of your contact information) to save your changes.

  21. Where can I find my online subscription's expiration date?

    Login on and then follow these steps:

    From your deskop:
    1) Click on the drop-down arrow next to your screen name (located in the top right corner after you've logged in).
    2) Click on Dashboard.
    3) Click on Subscriptions.
    4) Click on Manage Subscriptions.

    From your mobile device:
    1) Tap on the three horizontal bars in the top right corner of the website.
    2) Tap on Dashboard.
    3) Tap on Subscriptions.
    4) Scroll down the page to find the expiration date of your subscription.

  22. How do I change my password?

    Login on and then follow these steps:

    From your desktop:
    1) Click on the drop-down arrow next to your screen name (located in the top right corner after you've logged in).
    2) Click on Dashboard.
    3) Click on User Account.
    4) Click on Change Password.
    5) Enter your new password in the “New password” and “Confirm password” boxes.
    6) Click on the "Change password" button to save your new password.

    From your mobile device:
    1) Tap on the three horizontal bars in the top right corner of the website.
    2) Tap on Dashboard.
    3) Tap on User Account.
    4) Scroll down and tap on Change Password.
    5) Enter your new password in the “New password” and “Confirm password” boxes.
    6) Tap on the "Change password" button to save your new password.

  23. I don't remember my password. How do I reset it online?

    If you have forgotten your password and need to request a new one, click on Login in the top right corner of the website, then click on “Forgot your password?” under the password box. (If you are using a mobile device, the Login button will be located under the three horizontal bars in the top right corner of the website.) Enter your username or email address, and our system will send you instructions for resetting your password.

  24. How do I change my email address?

    Login on and then follow these steps:

    From your desktop:
    1) Click on the drop-down arrow next to your screen name (located in the top right corner after you've logged in).
    2) Click on Dashboard.
    3) Click on User Account.
    4) Click on Change Email Address.
    5) Type your new email address in the box next to "New email."
    6) Click on the "Change email address" button to save your new email address.

    From your mobile device:
    1) Tap on the three horizontal bars in the top right corner of the website.
    2) Tap on Dashboard.
    3) Tap on User Account.
    4) Scroll down and tap on Change Email Address.
    5) Type your new email address in the box next to "New email."
    6) Tap on the "Change email address" button to save your new email address.

  25. How far back do your online archives go?

    We have PDF archives dating back to the beginning of 2010 on our website. We also have an article index dating back to fall 2009.

  26. How do I search the archives for a specific term (name, city, etc.)?

    In the main navigation menu, click on the Search option. (If you are using a mobile device, the Search option will be located under the three horizontal bars in the top right corner of the website.)

    You can refine your search in several ways, including by date, section, and asset type (article, image, etc.). To search using your new criteria, click on the blue Search button located within the gray box. The process is similar on all devices, although the formatting will look more condensed on a mobile device than what is pictured below.

  27. How do I view full past editions of the newspaper?

    PDF archives dating back through 2010 are available in our Archives section. These PDFs are available in the scrolling print edition format. There are two ways to access this section.
    • From your desktop: Click on the Archives option in the main navigation menu at the top of the website or in the footer menu located at the very bottom of the website.
    • From your mobile device: Click on the Archives option in the main navigation menu (accessed by clicking on the three horizontal bars in the top right corner of the website) or in the footer menu located at the very bottom of the website.
    Navigate by year and then month to find the date you're interested in. Click on the date, and the paper will open in one file in a new window. To read the paper, scroll down on your screen and you will move from page to page. Please keep in mind that sometimes it can take a while for papers to load because they are large files, so please be patient and allow them time to download.

    Another way to view full PDF past editions is in our e-Edition section. The most recent 30 days are stored in this section. These PDFs are viewed in a page-by-page format. To access this section, click on the e-Edition tab in the main navigation menu and select e-Edition from the drop-down menu. The most recent four e-editions will always be listed below the most current e-edition on the main e-Edition page. To search for editions older than four days, click on Advanced Search in the e-Edition search box. You can select a date or enter a search word in the search box. Click on the Search button in that Advanced Search menu to search using your new criteria.

    The final way to view past editions is in our Search area. This is probably most helpful if you're searching for one particular article. For instructions on how to use this feature, see the above question, "How do I search the archives for a specific term (name, city, etc.)?"

  28. How do I return to the Home page after viewing a past edition in the archives?

    You can return to the Home page by clicking on the "" logo located at the top of the website. Clicking this logo will always return you to the Home page of the most current edition. You can also click on the image of the house in the main navigation menu to return to the Home page. Alternatively, if your internet browser opened the past edition in a new window or tab, simply close that window or tab and then click on either the "" logo or the house icon to return to the Home page.

  29. How do I sign up for breaking news alerts?

    We send out an email alert every time we break news on the website. To sign up for the alerts, follow the steps below.

    From your desktop:
    1) Login on
    2) Click on Get News Updates located under the house icon in the main navigation menu. 
    3) Click on Manage Your Lists.
    4) Click next to each item on the list that you'd like to add (therefore inserting a check mark next to the item).
    5) Click the Save button.

    From your mobile device:
    1) Login on
    2) Tap on the three horizontal bars in the top right corner of the website.
    3) Tap on Dashboard.
    4) Tap on Email Lists.
    5) Tap next to each item on the list that you'd like to add (therefore inserting a check mark next to the item).
    6) Tap the Save button.

  30. How do I print an article?

    The process to print an article is the same on all devices (desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone). Follow the steps below.
    1) Find the article you'd like to print. You'll likely need an online subscription to view the article in its entirety.
    2) Click the Print icon located near the top of the article (see image below).
    3) Follow your device's directions for printing.

  31. Do you have a mobile site for smartphones?

    Yes. You do not need to do anything different to view our mobile site. When you visit, our website will automatically detect your device's screen size and display the format that fits best within your screen.

  32. Can the website be viewed on a tablet?

    Yes. We have a format of our website that is designed specifically for tablets. When you visit, our website will automatically detect your device's screen size and display the format that fits best within your screen.

    Most tablets will display our tablet site when being used vertically. To view our full site on your tablet, simply turn your tablet sideways. In most cases the format of the website will change to display our full site. There may be some instances when it is not possible to view the full site if your tablet has a smaller screen size than is required for our full site format. Again, our website will automatically detect this and display the format of the website that works best on your device.

  33. I'm searching for a specific word in an article.  Is there a way to highlight it within the story?

    Yes. When viewing the article, press the Ctrl and F keys together on your keyboard. A search bar will appear somewhere on your screen (likely in a top or bottom corner). Type your search word in the white box. If you scroll through the article, you should find that your search word is now highlighted every time it appears in the article.

Print Subscriptions / Home Delivery

  1. I did not receive my paper today. Who do I contact?

    You can call our Circulation Department at 814-677-8335, 814-226-7000, or 800-352-1002 (toll free). If the lines are busy, please leave a message and someone will return your call. You can also send them an email at [email protected] or submit a complaint using the Delivery Issues online submission form at

  2. How do I order a home delivery subscription?

    You can contact our Circulation Department to order a home delivery subscription. The department can be reached via phone at 814-677-8335 or 800-352-1002 (toll free) or via email at [email protected]. You can also use our Start a Mail or Home Delivery Subscription online submission form at delivery rates differ depending on your location, rates are not listed on our website.

  3. What are your prices for home delivery?

    The cost for home delivery varies depending on your location. Please call the Circulation Department or fill out our online submission form to receive a price quote. You can also email your delivery address information to [email protected] and we will email you a price quote.

  4. What are your office hours?

    Our circulation offices are open Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. They are open Saturdays from 6:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. After 11 a.m. on Saturdays, please call 814-677-8335, leave a message and we will get back to you on Monday.

  5. What is Easy Pay?

    Easy Pay allows you to renew your subscription automatically each month using a debit or credit card. Easy Pay eliminates the hassle of paper billing and is a quick, easy way to pay your subscription without interruptions. You can use Easy Pay to pay just your delivery bill, or you can use it to pay both your delivery and online subscriptions together. To learn more about Easy Pay, please call our Circulation Department at 814-677-8335 or 800-352-1002.

News Content

  1. How do I buy a photo that was in the paper?

    You can purchase digital photo copies of published and unpublished photos from The Derrick, The News-Herald and Digital photo copies may be purchased at a cost of $20 for one photo or $18 each for two or more photos.

    A digital file will be emailed to you upon completion of payment. You may then use that digital file to order products from the photo store of your choice. Hard copy prints are not available. Acceptable forms of payment are Visa, Mastercard, Discover, check and cash.

    You can contact Diane Cartwright to purchase a photo. You can reach her at [email protected], 814-677-8348 or by submitting the Photo Purchase Request online submission form at If emailing, use the subject line "Photo purchase request" and include your name, phone number, a brief description of the photo, and the date it appeared in our publications. 

    Please note that we can only sell photos taken by our staff. Contributed photos are not for sale. If you would like a copy of a contributed photo, please email your request to [email protected], or call our newsroom staff at 814-677-8303, so that we can give your information to the person who submitted the photo.

  2. How do I submit something to the newsroom?

    You can use our online forms at, email us at [email protected], fax us at 814-677-8347, or mail something to us at 1510 W. First St., Oil City, PA 16301. Please be sure to include the subject of your release, your first and last name, daytime telephone number and email address. If you are including a photo with your submission, please attach it electronically or mail it. Please do not fax it, as faxing greatly diminishes its quality and presents problems with publication. If payment is required, please include it with your submission.

    If you have any questions, please call our newsroom staff at 814-677-8303.

  3. Where do I go on the website to submit something to the newsroom?

    We have online forms that can be filled out and submitted to us directly through the website. We have forms for anniversary announcements, Religion Page announcements, engagement announcements, first birthday announcements, Events Hub press releases, Letters to the Editor, general news releases, and wedding announcements.

    To access the submission forms, click on Submission Forms located under the house icon in the main navigation menu. You can also hover over the Submission Forms option in the drop-down menu, then hover over News Releases in the secondary drop-down menu, and then finally select a specific form. On a mobile device, Submission Forms is located under the Home option in the main navigation menu.

    Look under the News Releases section for the newsroom-related forms. To submit a form, click on the name of the form most appropriate for your submission, fill it out, and submit it.


  4. How do I comment on a story?

    You can send us a Letter to the Editor.

    We have a Letter to the Editor online submission form available on our website at Fill it out and submit it to us.

    You can also submit your Letter to the Editor to us by mail. L
    etters should be 350 words or less and mailed to 1510 W. First St., Oil City, PA 16301. Please be sure to include your first and last name, street address, city and state of residence, zip code, daytime telephone number and email address. Please note that letters are printed with the writer’s name and hometown. No other personal information will be published.

    If you have any questions, please call our newsroom staff at 814-677-8303.


  1. How do I place a classified ad?

    If you would like to place a classified ad, you can contact the Classified Department via phone at 814-677-8300 or toll-free 800-352-1002, via email at [email protected], or via fax at 814-677-8345.

    You can also place your ad online. Hover your mouse over Classifieds in the main navigation menu and select Place a Classified Ad. On a mobile device, these options can be accessed by tapping on the three horizontal bars in the top right corner of the website. Fill out the form and click Submit.


  2. How do I place a display ad?

    If you would like to place a display ad, you can contact the Advertising Department via phone at 814-676-7444 / 800-352-1002 (Oil City Office) or 814-226-7512 (Clarion Office). Please tell the operator where you are calling from and that you are interested in placing a display ad, and he or she will connect you with the correct salesperson. You can also contact our Advertising Department via email at
    [email protected], or via fax at 814-677-8351 (Oil City Office) or 814-226-7518 (Clarion Office).

  3. How do I place a web ad?

    If you would like to place a web ad, you can contact either our Advertising Department or Diane Cartwright. Our Advertising Department can be contacted via phone at 814-676-7444 / 800-352-1002 (Oil City Office) or 814-226-7512 (Clarion Office). Diane Cartwright can be contacted via phone at 814-677-8348. You can also email your ad information to
    [email protected] or fax it to 814-677-8345.

  4. What are the advertising deadlines?

    Classified ad deadlines are 3:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday for the next day’s paper, 3:00 p.m. Friday for Saturday’s paper, and 3:30 p.m. Friday for Monday’s paper.

    Display and legal ad deadlines are two business days prior to publication at noon for Tuesday through Saturday’s paper, and Thursday at 3 p.m. for Monday’s paper. Display ad deadlines apply to birthday and memorial ads.

    Web ad deadlines are two business days prior to publication at noon.

    Early deadlines apply to all ads when a holiday intervenes. If your ad will be running close to a holiday, please contact the department in charge of your ad for exact early deadlines.

  5. Do I need an online subscription to read the classifieds in the online Classifieds section?

    No. The classifieds are free to read online.

  6. Are all of the classifieds from The Derrick and The News-Herald uploaded to the website?

    Yes. You can read them for free in the Classifieds section on the website.

Technical Support

  1. After I click to read an article, the website asks me to login. I already have an active online subscription. What do I do now?

    You are seeing this message because you have been logged out of our website. Since you already have an active online subscription, you simply need to click "Log In" in the box that shows. Once you enter your login information, the website should again allow you access to all of the content.

    To login, enter your
    username or email address in the first blank white text box and your password in the second blank white text box. After you have finished typing, click the "Sign In" button below the second blank white text box. You should now be able to access the content on our website.

    If you do not have an account or subscription with us, click on "Register here" below the "Sign In" button. The system will then guide you through the registration and purchase process.

  2. After I try to login, I see a pink box with an error message stating my login information is incorrect (see image below). What do I do now?

    This error message means that the information you are entering does not match the information stored in our system. The problem could be with the email address/user ID, the password or both.

    Double-check that there are not any typos in your email address/username and password. The password is case sensitive, so check to make certain that you are typing upper case letters and/or lower case letters where appropriate. If your password contains numbers, check to make sure your keyboard's Number Lock is on and that the corresponding numbers to what you are pressing on your keyword are correctly appearing on your screen.

    If you are still unable to login, please call Diane Cartwright at 814-677-8348 or 800-352-1002 to confirm your email address/username and reset your password. If you have simply forgotten your password and would rather reset it on your own, you can do so through the website. When prompted to login, click on “Forgot your password?” under the password box. Enter your username or email address, and our system will send you instructions for resetting your password.

  3. After I try to login, the website shows the same login screen again but I don't see any kind of error message displayed. The website simply wants me to login again. What could be wrong?

    You may need to enable “cookies” on your internet browser. Our website places a tracking cookie on your computer whenever you login so that it (the website) knows that you are cleared to view content behind our paywall. Without this tracking cookie, the website has no way of identifying whether or not to show you all of the content.

    The process to enable cookies is different in every internet browser. On a desktop or laptop, you can usually find cookie settings in the Privacy section of your browser's Settings or Tools menu. The Settings or Tools menu can usually be accessed by clicking on a little icon in the top right corner of your screen (with your internet browser open). Sometimes you can also get this menu to appear by
    holding down the “ALT” key on your keyboard.  On a mobile device, you may find your cookie settings in your device's settings menu or within your internet browser's app settings.

    After you have located the cookie settings, you will want to make sure that is always allowed to use cookies. Again, the steps in this process vary between internet browsers and devices. If you are unsure how to complete this task, it is usually helpful to perform a search for instructions in the search engine of your choice.
    For example, you may want to search for "how to enable cookies in (fill in your browser name here)."

    Once your internet browser is set to allow cookies from, you should be able to successfully login and read subscriber-only content.

  4. Why do I have to login again after reading a story?

    There are a couple of reasons why this might occur.

    First, you may need to enable cookies on your web browser (please see above).

    Second, your username and password may be being used by more than one person at a time. If someone else tries to login with your username and password at the same time you are already logged in, the system will automatically log you out of the site, causing you to have to login again to read the articles. If you think this is happening, please call Diane Cartwright at 814-677-8348 or 800-352-1002 to have your password changed.

  5. Do I have to enter my username and password every time I visit

    No. Our website is set to keep you logged in for several months before asking you to login again. Sometimes, however, internet browsers will remove the cookie containing your login information, thus causing our website to ask you to login more often than normal.

    There is a way to save your login information so that even if you are prompted to login, you shouldn't have to type in your information. You can save your information within your internet browser so that it will be automatically inserted into the email address/user ID and password fields.
    The process to do this differs between internet browsers and devices. If you are unsure how to complete this task, it is usually helpful to perform a search for instructions in the search engine of your choice. For example, you may want to search for "how do I get a website to remember my username and password" or "how to save my passwords in (insert internet browser name here)."

  6. When I’m browsing your website, why do I sometimes see a "Not Secure" warning in the URL bar (see image below)?

    A secure connection is designated in the URL (address bar) as HTTPS instead of HTTP. A secure connection is used to protect private information when it is being transferred over the internet. This is done so that you can operate securely without worrying about others stealing your password and other information.

    The "Not Secure" warning appears when there is mixed content (both secure and non-secure) being delivered on one page. Many times the non-secure content on the page is an ad. The information on our website is always delivered using a secure HTTPS connection, but this may not always apply to the ads. This should not be a problem for viewing our website content. As previously mentioned, the information on our website is always delivered using a secure connection, especially when transferring private information (such as payment information) over the internet.

  7. How do I increase the font size on your website?

    There are different ways to enlarge the text on your screen depending on what kind of device you are using. Our website does not have its own built-in feature for doing this since devices and internet browsers already handle this capability on their own.

    If you are using a desktop or laptop:
    We first recommend trying an easy keyboard shortcut that quickly and easily zooms in and out of any webpage. On your keyboard, press the following two keys together at the same time: Ctrl and + to zoom in, and Ctrl and - to zoom out. When you press Ctrl + to zoom in, the entire page will enlarge, including the text. You can press Ctrl + as many times as needed.

    If you find that the above method doesn’t work well for you, then we recommend looking into a zoom add-on. Internet browsers offer an “enlarge” capability through the use of zoom add-ons. If you search for "zoom add-ons" in the search engine of your choice, you'll see there are different programs available that you can download ("add on") to your internet browser that will perform various zoom options.

    If you are using a mobile device:
    Most mobile devices will automatically zoom in and out on a webpage if you tap your fingers on your screen (you will likely need to tap at least twice). Most mobile devices also respond to the "pinch and zoom" method to zoom in and out on a webpage.

    Most tablet users have one additional option available. We say “most” because it is dependent upon your device’s screen size. Most tablets will automatically show our tablet-specific site when being used in the vertical position. If used sideways, however, most tablets will show our full site. If you find the text difficult to read in one format, try turning your tablet 90 degrees to see if the text displays better for you. Again, because this option requires a minimum screen size, it may not work on all tablets (or smartphones).

    If none of the above methods work on your device, then we suggest doing a search in the search engine of your choice for instructions about how to enlarge the text on your specific device.

  8. I'm having trouble loading the Scrolling Print Edition. What can I do?

    The scrolling print edition is a large temporary file and could sometimes take a few minutes to load, especially if your internet connection is running slowly. Your internet connection can be affected by various factors like how much traffic is currently using the connection, if your internet provider is doing any maintenance on your connection, or even if there is inclement weather. Depending on the speed of your internet connection, you may experience a blank gray screen for a short period of time before the edition loads. If you see a blank gray screen, allow your device some time to download the edition. The edition should eventually appear.

    If you've waited for the edition to appear and you're still having trouble getting it to load, then there are several things you can try.

    1) Make sure you have Adobe Reader on your computer and that it is up-to-date. You can check for this on Adobe's website at (the download is free, but we do suggest unchecking the boxes next to the Optional Offers on that page). Adobe Reader is a free program that helps view PDFs on your computer. Internet browsers have built-in PDF viewers, but they don't always work the best. Sometimes an internet browser's built-in PDF viewer will show you a page but won't move up and down on the page, almost like the page is frozen. Adobe Reader is usually the best program to use for viewing PDFs.

    2) If errors persist after downloading the newest Adobe Reader, go into your internet browser's add-ons or plug-ins and make sure either Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat is enabled and any other PDF viewer is disabled. We suggest trying Adobe Reader first, and then if it doesn't make a difference, trying Adobe Acrobat (if you have it as an option in your browser). If you're not sure how to do this, we recommend doing a search in the search engine of your choice for instructions because every browser (and every operating system) is different.

    3) Make sure your internet browser is as up-to-date as possible. If you need an update, you can usually find out by accessing the "About" information for your browser. Sometimes things will stop working correctly but then once an update is done, the problem corrects itself.

    4) If one internet browser won't work to open the scrolling print edition, try using another internet browser on your computer. Don't forget to login on the alternate browser.

    5) Make sure your computer is set to open .pl files with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. To do this, you'll need to find the settings area on your computer in which you can associate a file type or protocol with a specific program. In Windows 7, this area can be found by opening the Start menu and clicking on Default Programs. Once you find .pl listed, you'll want to select Adobe Acrobat Reader DC as the program to use for it. If you're not sure how to do this, we recommend doing a search in the search engine of your choice for instructions because every browser (and every operating system) is different.

    6) If all else fails, you can try viewing our page-by-page e-edition. It's available at You'll want to scroll down the page and click on the image of the front page that appears in the "Today's e-Edition" box. The page-by-page e-edition is nice because your computer only downloads one page at a time instead of the entire paper at a time, so the file size is much smaller. This could help when an internet connection is running slowly and unable to download the entire edition at one time, or when your computer doesn't have enough temporary storage room to download the entire edition.

  9. If I have a question or problem, who should I call?

    You should call the respective department on our Contact Us page. Click
    here to view that page. You can also call the Oil City main office at 814-676-7444 or 800-352-1002 and the operator will transfer you to the correct department.

Let's keep in touch!