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‘I love the flea markets for collecting ceramics. I’ve found some amazing treasures’: Belinda Carlisle.
‘I love the flea markets for collecting ceramics. I’ve found some amazing treasures’: Belinda Carlisle. Photograph: David Livingston/Getty Images
‘I love the flea markets for collecting ceramics. I’ve found some amazing treasures’: Belinda Carlisle. Photograph: David Livingston/Getty Images

Sunday with Belinda Carlisle: ‘I only have three vices left: coffee, chocolate and salt’

This article is more than 1 year old
Lara Kilner
The singer on meditation, burnt brussels sprouts – and living in Mexico City

Up early or a lie-in? I was up all Saturday night and in bed until 3pm back in the good old days. Now it’s the extreme opposite: my body clock wakes me at 4am.

First thing you do? I have a whole thing to get done before 6am. I study Eckhart Tolle and do chanting and pranayama breathwork and meditation. It takes about two hours, and I’m on a year-long meditation now, so it has to be every day. I can’t miss it, it keeps my gas tank full.

Sunday breakfast? I don’t eat a lot of Mexican food, even though I live in Mexico City. But there’s nothing like fresh corn tortillas with butter.

Sunday morning? I do pilates and my husband, Morgan, and I go for a big walk or bike ride. We live near Chapultepec Park. There’s a lot of nature here, which always surprises people, and the lifestyle is pretty pure. Families are together and people are actually talking to each other, not staring at phones. It’s like the 90s, I’ve missed that.

Handy in the kitchen? I’ve got an amazing kitchen here, but I’m vegetarian and there’s only two of us, so it’s pretty limited. I’ve mastered burnt brussels sprouts, and I make a good berry cobbler.

Sunday afternoon? I love the flea markets for collecting ceramics. I’ve found some amazing treasures. There are more museums here than in Paris, so there’s always stuff going on. Sometimes I take a little disco nap if there’s a party or a gallery opening to go to.

Sunday drinks? I only have three vices left: coffee, chocolate and salt. I’ll never give those up, not a chance. I drink Topo Chico, the local sparkling Mexican water. It’s kind of trendy in the States.

Sunday sounds? Boring as it sounds, I mostly listen to kirtan music, the Hindu devotional chants. They’re very powerful.

Sunday wind-down? I get into bed and stare out of the window. I have to light a candle every night and I always take my makeup off – even when I was high and drunk I’d take it off. In 30 years of doing drugs, I only remember once passing out in my coat, still wearing makeup. I go to sleep early – by the time 8.30 comes along I’m exhausted.

Belinda Carlisle’s EP, Kismet, is out now

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