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Andrew Billen

January 2018

  • Peter Wyngarde, 18 November 1993.

    From the Guardian archive
    From the archive: Peter Wyngarde talks to Andrew Billen in 1993

    The Observer, 19 December 1993 The distinguished British actor said Jason King had champagne and strawberries for breakfast, just as he did• Peter Wyngarde, star of Jason King and Department S, dies aged 90

March 2013

  • James Herbert

    From the Guardian archive
    From the archive: James Herbert on rats and redemption

    Originally published in the Observer on 14 February 1993: "Sometimes, though, it is necessary to point it out: I'm not just in it for the gore."

July 2002

  • Why I love American TV

    British television could once boast the best writers, actors and directors in the world... but no longer. The greatest shows on earth now come from the United States.