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Archie Brown

Archie Brown is emeritus professor of politics at Oxford University. His latest book is The Human Factor: Gorbachev, Reagan, and Thatcher and the End of the Cold War

August 2022

  • Illustration by Ben Jennings

    A peaceful yet radical social transformer: Mikhail Gorbachev leaves a blazing legacy

    Archie Brown
    No western leader could have predicted his progressive reforms. But war between his country and Ukraine was a devastating blow, says Archie Brown, an emeritus professor of politics at Oxford University

May 2017

  • theresa may jeremy paxman

    It's not May v Corbyn – the idea of a strong party leader is a myth

    Archie Brown
    The notion of one person calling the shots in British politics has caught on. But it fuels delusions of grandeur and isn’t necessary for good governance

March 2014

  • Fedor Burlatsky, Soviet political scientist

    Fedor Burlatsky obituary

    Political scientist who sought reform from within the Soviet Communist party and was an early advocate of perestroika

May 2009

  • How Moscow killed communism

    Archie Brown
    Hay festival: Archie Brown: Decisions in Moscow not only spread communism across eastern Europe in the 1940s, they hastened its end 40 years later