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Barbara Frost

Barbara Frost is WaterAid's chief executive

May 2014

  • A slum in India

    Two girls died looking for a toilet. This should make us angry, not embarrassed

    Barbara Frost, Winnie Byanyima, Corinne Woods and Nick Alipui

    Attacks on girls and women as they look for somewhere private to defecate are frighteningly common. Improving basic sanitation, as a global goal would do a lot to make them safer

December 2013

  • WaterAid Uganda

    Leaders voices
    Charity's success is down to influential leadership and positive attitudes

    Barbara Frost, chief executive of WaterAid, explains the key ingredients to a successful charity

March 2010

  •  Turkana pastoralists suffer from drought, Kenya

    Cif green
    Taking action for World Water Day

    Barbara Frost

    Barbara Frost: There are still 900 million people who don't have a safe water supply – and not always in the places you expect