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Bernard Harcourt

Bernard E Harcourt is the director of the Columbia Center for Contemporary Critical Thought and the Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law at Columbia University. He is the author of the forthcoming book: Exposed: Desire and Disobedience in the Digital Age

June 2015

  • ferguson

    The counted
    Don't believe the fictitious crime trends used to undermine police reform

    The ‘Ferguson Effect’ is part of an ugly history of using crime to delegitimize civil rights movements. That’s why we must be especially vigilant against it

September 2012

  • Paul Ryan

    How Paul Ryan enslaves Friedrich Hayek's The Road to Serfdom

    Bernard Harcourt

    Bernard Harcourt: The Republican VP nominee claims Hayek as hero. Did he miss the libertarian economist's advocacy of universal healthcare?

May 2012

  • World Leaders Take Part In NATO Summit In Chicago

    US war veterans tossing medals back at Nato was a heroic act

    Bernard Harcourt
  • Chicago police Nato summit protest

    Welcome, Nato, to Chicago's police state

    Bernard Harcourt

April 2012

  • Albert Florence, with attorney Susan Chana Lask, in 2011

    liberty central
    Laissez-faire with strip-searches: America's two-faced liberalism

    Bernard Harcourt

    Bernard Harcourt: Recent supreme court hearings sum up the US polity's central contradiction: liberty is sacrosanct for the market, not the citizen

February 2012

  • Occupy Chicago protesters in October

    The Occupy Chicago arrests: Rahm Emanuel's 'dry run' for G8 and Nato?

    Bernard Harcourt

    Bernard Harcourt: Never mind free speech, Chicago's mayor wanted to show protesters who was boss ahead of May's summits, says attorney

January 2012

  • Rahm Emanuel

    liberty central
    Outlawing dissent: Rahm Emanuel's new regime

    Bernard Harcourt

    Bernard Harcourt: On the pretext of policing upcoming G8 and Nato summits, Chicago's mayor has awarded himself draconian new powers

November 2011

  • Occupy Wall Street protesters attend a general assembly meeting after re-entering Zuccotti Park

    Occupy's new grammar of political disobedience

    Bernard Harcourt

    Bernard Harcourt: What is striking – and successful – about this leaderless protest is how it resists the meanings outsiders try to impose on it