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Bill Morris

Lord Bill Morris of Handsworth retired as General Secretary of the Transport and General Workers Union in 2003. Among many commitments he is Patron of the Refugee Council.

June 2008

  • Let them give something back

    Bill Morris

    Bill Morris: The case is compelling: we should restore the right to work for asylum seekers, allowing them to use their skills

September 2003

  • Let's aim for a magical third term

    Bill Morris
    Bill Morris, the outgoing General Secretary of the T&G, says this is not the time for a collective collapse of confidence.

May 2003

  • Price of entry will be our NHS

    Bill Morris
    Bill Morris, general secretary of the TGWU, warns that healthcare will be a casualty of the currency.

April 2003

  • Why I fear Blunkett's rap at my door

    Bill Morris
    Bill Morris: As someone who holds dual citizenship and has upset David Blunkett a few times, I now wait in fear for the knock on my door by someone with the necessary piece of paper signed by David, removing me from Britain.

October 2001

  • Remember us, Tony

    Bill Morris

    People will still worry about hospital waiting lists; overcrowded trains and good and bad schools.

September 2001

  • Remember us, Tony

    Bill Morris
    You don't need to be a Labour supporter to see how superbly Tony Blair has risen to the challenge since the cataclysm of September 11.

June 2001

  • Give us a public display of faith

    Bill Morris
    Labour's historic election victory on Thursday is being heralded as a mandate for change. The British people have placed their trust in a government which has promised to revitalise our public services - especially our schools and hospitals.