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Calestous Juma

Calestous Juma is professor of the practice of international development at
Harvard Kennedy School and author of The New Harvest: Agricultural Innovation
in Africa

November 2014

  • MDG : Ebola response : UN World Food Programme

    Poverty matters blog
    Private sector can help Africa to take responsibility for its development

    Calestous Juma
    Calestous Juma: It is welcome news that African business leaders, spurred by the Ebola crisis, are to assist in tackling the continent’s challenges

October 2014

  • Man's temperature taken in Nigeria for Ebola screening

    View from the top
    How Nigeria defeated Ebola

    Calestous Juma
    Key to Nigeria’s successful containment is the strength of the public sector: state governments, universities and hospitals, writes Calestous Juma

July 2014

  • Platinum mineworkers at Lonmin, Anglo American Platinum, mine in Marikana, South Africa

    Views and reviews
    Juma on Piketty's Capital: can Africa avoid the trap of unequal growth?

    Piketty's argument is even more poignant for African economies whose growth is starting off from a base of inequality without welfare, says Calestous Juma

May 2014

  • bunch of ripening bananas on a tree

    Feeding Africa: why biotechnology sceptics are wrong to dismiss GM

    Calestous Juma argues that advocacy groups are clinging to ideology and ignoring the potential of genetically modified crops

March 2012

  • MDG : Macky Sall elected president of Senegal

    Poverty matters blog
    Senegal's political transition hinges on fulfilling economic dreams of the young

    Calestous Juma: Incoming president Macky Sall must make overdue investments in the country's infrastructure in order to spur economic renewal

January 2012

  • MDG : Nigeria Infrastructures : Nigerian people walking in the street of Bauchi, Nigeria

    Poverty matters blog
    Roads and rail in Nigeria could be at the centre of job creation

    Calestous Juma: Nigeria and other African countries can use investment in infrastructure to foster youth employment and skill development

December 2011

  • Women work in Amingos fibre hair factory in Ikeja district in Lagos

    Poverty matters blog
    Africa's quest for prosperity

    Calestous Juma: As African economies look for growth in the future, the two key internal strategies emerging are regional integration and harnessing diasporas for funds and technical expertise

July 2011

  • MDG : Juba University Southern Sudan

    Poverty matters blog
    Southern Sudan has many lessons to learn from Juba University

  • MDG : FAO Jose Graziano da Silva, the newly appointed director-general of the FAO, is seen in Rome

    Poverty matters blog
    Graziano's five major challenges

February 2011

  • MDG: Youth and vote, World Social Forum in Dakar

    Poverty matters blog
    Why Africa needs to lower its voting age to 16

    Calestous Juma: With the youngest and fastest growing population in the world, Africa should move to convert the 'youth bulge' from a threat into a development opportunity

July 2007

  • Right vision, wrong strategy

    Calestous Juma

    Calestous Juma: Col Gadafy is pursuing a worthy dream in urging the creation of a United States of Africa, but he is confusing desirability with feasibility.

May 2007

  • Blair: the critics are wrong

    Calestous Juma

    Calestous Juma: Iraq may be a failure, but the prime minister's achievements in Africa and in science should not be overlooked.

November 2006

  • Time for action

    Calestous Juma

    Calestous Juma: African countries are already suffering from the impacts of climate disruptions. Immediate measures are needed.

  • Protecting the web

    Calestous Juma

    Calestous Juma: Tim Berners-Lee is right to worry about the future of the web. The history of such innovations is marked by persecution.

  • Growing greener greens

    Calestous Juma

    Calestous Juma: If developing countries are to respond to the challenges raised by the Stern review, cooperation at an international level is a must.

October 2006

  • Engineering Africa's growth

    Calestous Juma

    Calestous Juma: Africa's economic growth depends on investment in infrastructure development and the associated higher education.

  • Fighting poverty

    Calestous Juma

    Calestous Juma: African countries should use their military to build the infrastructure needed to boost rural economies.

  • Trophy leaders are not enough

    Calestous Juma

    Calestous Juma: The $5m prize intended to help improve Africa's leadership risks diverting attention from more critical institutional issues.

June 2006

  • An academic challenge for Africa

    Calestous Juma

    Calestous Juma: The scholarship of the continent is hamstrung by the divide between research, training and practice.

March 2006

  • The end of famine relief in Africa?

    Calestous Juma

    Calestous Juma: Africa urgently needs to make the transition from dependence of famine relief to long-term agricultural renewal. This will require increased use of scientific and technological knowledge in agricultural production.

About 22 results for Calestous Juma