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Geoff Cahill

Geoff Cahill is writing under a pseudonym. He is a police officer with a particular interest in law, criminal justice and human rights issues, and is currently undertaking a law degree.

October 2010

  • Katrin Radmacher arrives at the Supreme Court

    Prenups: a delicate balancing act

    Geoff Cahill
    Geoff Cahill: The warring parties in the recent landmark prenup case may have left us cold, but the issues at stake are complex

September 2010

  • Police officers

    The cuts get personal
    Let police learn to use common sense again

    Geoff Cahill

    Geoff Cahill: To survive deep cuts in personnel, two over-controlling policies of the New Labour era must be rolled back

June 2010

  • Breathalyser test

    liberty central
    Most motorists have nothing to fear from change to drink limits

    Geoff Cahill
    Geoff Cahill: The public assumes the drink-drive limit is far lower than it is; lowering the threshold will catch those who are truly intoxicated

December 2008

  • Copper blues

    Geoff Cahill

    Geoff Cahill: The Home Office wants a dissatisfied public to fall back in love with our police. But is this really a good idea?

November 2008

  • Beyond Eady

    Geoff Cahill

    Geoff Cahill: We once again have a privacy law of benefit only to those that can afford to pursue it

October 2008

  • The end of bling?

    Geoff Cahill

    Geoff Cahill: Be careful how you flash your cash. Ostentatious wealth could make you the target of a new campaign to seize criminal assets

July 2008

  • This isn't a snoopers' charter

    Geoff Cahill

    Geoff Cahill: The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act has suffered some bad press but, with a little tweaking, it can protect our privacy

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