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George Amponsah

May 2012

  • Olympics 2012 video profiles
    London 2012 Olympics: Triplejumper Yamilé Aldama - video profile

    Triplejumper Yamilé Aldama shows Barry Glendenning Barnet Copthall in north London and tells him about her nightmare decade

October 2010

  • Culture shorts
    Open up Oikos: Britain's first recycled theatre

    Behind the scenes at the construction of a remarkable piece of 'junkitecture', a 120-seat pop-up theatre in south London hosting specially commissioned plays by Simon Wu and Kay Adshead

April 2010

  • Chess boxing: The cerebral sport that packs a punch

    Chess boxing is a unique clash of brains and brawn, but is it supposed to be taken seriously? Benji Lanyado finds out

December 2009

  • Guardian Christmas appeal 2009
    The Guardian's Christmas appeal 2009: Tom's story

    After escaping from the Lord's Resistance Army, Tom returned to his village to look after his younger brothers and sisters. He hopes a scholarship from the Mvule Trust will help him study economics so he can support his family in the future

  • Guardian Christmas appeal 2009
    The Guardian's Christmas appeal 2009: Alice's story

    Alice comes from a large farming family in north-east Uganda. Money raised through the Guardian's Christmas appeal will help her get a scholarship to study nursing

  • Guardian Christmas appeal 2009
    The Guardian 2009 Christmas appeal: Stella's story

    Stella, a young woman from north-east Uganda, is hoping to get a scholarship from the Mvule Trust to train to be a midwife

November 2009

  • Guardian Christmas appeal 2009
    Introducing the Guardian and Observer's Christmas appeal

  • Welcome to Somalishire

August 2009

  • Making pots of money in Katine

  • Dating in Katine

May 2009

  • A boda-boda ride around Katine

    A day in the life of Dennis Ewalu, who cycles one of the bicycle taxis that are the only form of transport for most Katine residents. He regularly cycles 80km a day on a cup of tea and one tiny meal. On a good day he earns £3 to £4 to support his wife and six children

April 2009

  • Market traders

    We follow two Katine market traders – Michael Ebitu, a tobacco salesman, and Stella Anuo, a fish seller – and their struggle to make ends meet. There is a stark contrast between what a woman can hope to earn compared to a man

March 2009

  • Cattle in Katine: Should locals be given oxen?

  • Cassava: Taking the new strain

October 2008

  • Sunday in the village

    Religion in Uganda This is a snapshot of the parish of a catholic priest in Katine. We see a typical Sunday mass. The priest explains that other than spiritual sustenance the people need vocational skills - not carpentry or tailoring, but something more urgent - how to bake bread

September 2008

  • Profile: Stephen Ochola

    Madeleine Bunting interviews district chairman Stephen Ochola, who represents a strong voice of dissent towards the Ugandan government that has traditionally marginalised and disenfranchised the region he represents

August 2008

  • Profile: Katine's village committees

    The village health teams (VHTs) and the Water/Sanitation committee meet every week to discuss the needs of the village. The groups are a demonstration of how the Katine Community Partnerships Project can mobilise and empower the community

June 2008

  • Agnes Ameo, teacher

    Madeleine Bunting talks to Agnes Ameo, the first female teacher at Amorikot community primary school in Katine, Uganda