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Harvey J Kaye

September 2007

July 2007

  • Of finance and philosophy

    Harvey J Kaye

    Harvey J Kaye: France's finance minister has asked her countrymen to stop philosophising and start working. But she doesn't realise how lucrative thinking can be.

  • Radio clash

    Harvey J Kaye

    Harvey J Kaye: A brief excursion into AM radio reminds: there's still a lot of nutty rightwing propaganda out there that has influence and needs to be countered.

  • Good and bad Americans

    Harvey J Kaye

    Harvey J Kaye: You may have heard that July 4 is a fairly big holiday in America. This year, there are particular reasons for pessimism - but also for hope.

May 2007

  • Remember the dead, fight for the living

    Harvey J Kaye

    Harvey J Kaye: As Memorial Day approaches in the US, one group of Florida veterans is paying homage with more than just prayers and flowers.