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John Beddington

Professor Sir John Beddington is the UK government's chief scientific adviser

April 2013

  • John Beddington appears before the Science and Technology Committee

    Political science
    The science and art of effective advice

    John Beddington: In the second of our series on science advice, the outgoing UK chief scientific adviser reflects on progress and lessons learned

February 2013

  • Technician filling test tubes
female woman scientist

    Public Leaders viewpoint
    Put scientists and engineers at the heart of government

    The profession needs to become more visible and better integrated to ensure the UK punches above its weight says Sir John Beddington

May 2012

  • wind turbine in field

    Notes & Theories
    Our network of chief scientific advisers has never been stronger

    John Beddington: Most of the work of the UK government's scientific advisers goes on behind the scenes, and the system is working well