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John Daley

John Daley is the CEO of the Grattan Institute. He is one of Australia's leading public policy thinkers, with 20 years experience in the public, private and university sectors. He has worked for ANZ and McKinsey in a career that also includes expertise in law, finance, education, and workers compensation.

March 2020

  • Empty restaurant tables are seen in front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge

    The Conversation
    The case for shutting down almost everything, and restarting when coronavirus is gone

    John Daley for The Conversation
    Here are the three endgames Australia could pursue, and why we should choose the most radical

June 2017

  • Young people in Hemlington holding Vote Labour signs ahead of 2017 UK election

    Malcolm Turnbull be warned: the young are coming

    John Daley and Danielle Wood
    The UK election was rocked by a huge upsurge in the youth vote. Many of the motivations behind that result are shared by Australia’s young people

March 2017

  • residential properties in Sydney

    Guardian Comment Network
    Using superannuation to pay for housing: a bad idea that refuses to die

    John Daley and Brendan Coates for the Conversation
    The latest thought bubbles won’t inspire confidence. If Scott Morrison really wants to tackle housing affordability, he needs to address demand and supply

June 2016

  • Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull listens to Australian Opposition Leader Bill Shorten during House of Representatives Question Time at Parliament House in Canberra, Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING

    Here are the problems the next government should face. Will they?

    John Daley
    A survey of seven years of policy recommendations outlines the priorities for the next government. But the public appears more ready for it than the parties

May 2016

  • Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull takes a tour of the Norship Marine shipyards in the seat of Leichhardt in Cairns, Wednesday, May 18, 2016. Leichhardt is held by Coalition MP Warren Entsch. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING

    Company tax cuts are not a knight in shining armour to save the economy

    John Daley and Brendan Coates
    A company tax cut may very well deliver higher incomes and growth in GDP but not by as much as the prime minister claimed, according to Treasury modelling

April 2016

  • Advertisements for residential properties are displayed in the window of an LJ Hooker Ltd. real estate agency in the suburb of Roseville, Sydney.

    Reducing the capital gains tax discount is an easy win. Why is the government ignoring it?

    Danielle Wood and John Daley
    Forget negative gearing, an opportunity is being missed in reducing the capital gains tax discount, which would be good policy and have limited political pain

February 2016

  • The Property Council’s ad campaign against the Labor party’s proposed changes to negative gearing tax breaks. 24 February 2016.

    The property industry’s mining-tax-style negative gearing campaign is a test for democracy

    John Daley and Danielle Wood
    The property industry has launched a campaign against Labor’s negative gearing policy. But who’s speaking for the 90% of people who don’t negatively gear?

March 2015

  • housing john daley

    Inner city v outer suburbs: where you live really does determine what you get

    John Daley
    As population grows in the outer suburbs of Australia’s cities, job growth is taking off in the inner city. But living closer to work is more expensive than ever

September 2014

  • east west link

    Australia gets the third-best policy on infrastructure. Here's why

    John Daley
    John Daley: Spending well on infrastructure is a must. Failing that, decision-making should at least be open and transparent. Without those? You get the East West Link