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Juliet Lyon

Juliet Lyon is director of Prison Reform Trust and secretary general of Penal Reform International

April 2016

  • File photo of Juliet Lyon, director of the Prison Reform Trust in their offices in London, England

    Why I’m leaving the Prison Reform Trust now

    Juliet Lyon
    With prison reform firmly on the political agenda there is much still to achieve, but this the right time for me to step down as director of the Prison Reform Trust

November 2014

  • social care in prisons

    Ageing population
    What does the Care Act mean for older people in prisons?

    Prison service is struggling to cope with reasonable health and social care adjustments for people over 60

April 2011

  • Birmingham prison G4S

    Privatisation will not rehabilitate our prisons

    Juliet Lyon
    Juliet Lyon: The privatisation of prisons raise ethical questions about the role of incarceration in our society

January 2011

  • Riot at HMP Ford

    Open prisons are not to blame for Ford riot

    Juliet Lyon
    Juliet Lyon: The Ford riot shows warnings over alcohol have been ignored – but we should not question open prisons' role in rehabilitation

November 2010

  • Prisoner

    liberty central
    Denying prisoners the vote is unlawful and uncivilised

    Juliet Lyon
    Juliet Lyon: The government can not pick and choose which laws it obeys. It must put an end to this archaic punishment of civic death

September 2010

  • Young offender in a YoI.

    liberty central
    Putting children in custody punishes disadvantage

    Juliet Lyon
    Juliet Lyon: Most young people in custody have had childhoods marked by neglect and abuse. Locking them up is no solution to offending

May 2010

  • Coalition can break from failed justice policy

    Juliet Lyon
  • Pentonville prison

    liberty central
    End this ban on prisoners voting

    Juliet Lyon

January 2010

  • More prisons are not the answer

    Juliet Lyon
    Juliet Lyon: Instead of pumping more public money into prisons, we should invest in education, health, and community programmes

November 2009

  • Putting victims at the heart of justice

    Juliet Lyon
    Juliet Lyon: Making young offenders confront the consequences of their actions can help them avoid falling into a cycle of crime

October 2009

  • Prisons need the glare of scrutiny

    Juliet Lyon
    Juliet Lyon: The scandal of callous pre-inspection inmate swaps shows that we must never take our eye off what happens in jails

July 2009

  • Older prisoners' shame

    Juliet Lyon

    Juliet Lyon: Ronnie Biggs is one of thousands of older people condemned to isolation and humiliation in ill-equipped prisons

June 2009

  • We need healthier justice

    Juliet Lyon
    Juliet Lyon: The number of sick people being recycled around an impoverished prison system is shaming. Reform is needed now

April 2009

  • Avoiding a Titanic prison disaster

    Juliet Lyon
    Juliet Lyon: Ditching Titans was a start, but Jack Straw is still committed to huge spending on prison-building and privatisation

March 2009

  • Why prisoners need the vote

    Juliet Lyon

    Juliet Lyon: The UK is one of only 12 European countries that still strip prisoners of their voting rights. This must change

February 2009

November 2008

  • This is not justice

    Juliet Lyon

    Juliet Lyon: Vulnerable people with learning difficulties who commit crime can end up lost in a system they do not understand

October 2008

  • Pram in prison

    The pram in the cell

    Juliet Lyon

    Juliet Lyon: Prison conditions may no longer be Dickensian but young mothers are still going to jail for the same reasons they were in Victorian times

August 2008

  • The cruellest wait

    Juliet Lyon

    Juliet Lyon: Far from toughening up on bail, we should limit the use of jail for people on remand: they are, after all, innocent until proven guilty

About 46 results for Juliet Lyon