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Kellie Tranter

Kellie Tranter is a lawyer & human rights activist, and a former candidate for the Wikileaks party.

January 2016

  • Villawood immigration detention centre in west Sydney

    There are still questions about pregnant refugee Abyan's treatment. It's time for an inquiry

    Kellie Tranter
    Fresh documents about the Somali refugee’s abrupt return to Nauru in October underline the need for a royal commission into the immigration department

September 2015

  • A guard walks towards the entrance of the Nauru detention centre.

    Will Turnbull be the first PM to visit Manus and Nauru? He could learn a lot

    Kellie Tranter
    The prime minister has said that he is paying ‘close attention’ to Manus and Nauru asylum seekers, but says ‘we’re not going to make policy changes on the run’. That pledge would be harder to make if he saw the suffering for himself

August 2015

  • Whistleblower and former Wilson Security employee John Nichols speaks during a Senate inquiry into abuse on Nauru at Parliament House in Canberra, Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015.  (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING

    The Nauru inquiry may well be Australia's Abu Ghraib moment

    Kellie Tranter
    Allegations of torture in the Nauru detention centre have been met with familiar denials. As Abu Ghraib showed, the public will get the truth eventually

September 2014

  • iraq

    Asio knows what will raise the terror threat level: sending Australia to war

    Kellie Tranter
    Kellie Tranter: Whatever the prime minister and Asio director-general say in public, the intelligence agency’s own reports show they know foreign wars are a real cause of radicalisation

July 2014

  • Scott Morrison

    No comment on operations: how Morrison's media strategy took shape

    Kellie Tranter
    Kellie Tranter: Mere days after the Coalition's election victory, the decision was made to stonewall reporters. The strategy had its first major test during the 'burned hands' reports in January