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Khalil Gibran Muhammad

Khalil Gibran Muhammad is the director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture at the New York Public Library and the author of The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America. Follow him on Twitter: @KhalilGMuhammad

December 2014

  • ferguson fist white house

    The revolution will be live-tweeted: why #BlackLivesMatter is the new model for civil rights

    Khalil Gibran Muhammad
    Khalil Gribran Muhammad: Black Power may have devolved into a fight to exist, but what if that’s a good thing? Ferguson’s young protesters are moving forward in all the right ways

June 2012

  • FILE: Rodney King Found Dead

    Rodney King's legacy was to blast away the myth of a post-racial US

    Khalil Gibran Muhammad

    Khalil Gibran Muhammad: King's death came as protesters demonstrated against abusive policing in New York City – cementing his spot in history