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Mark Kotting

March 2005

  • Netjetters blog
    Bye the bye

  • Netjetters blog
    Road rage

February 2005

  • Netjetters blog
    Flavour of the month

    Mark and family drink in the atmosphere of caffeine-crazy Melbourne - and get a taste for fame.

  • Netjetters blog
    Carrion camping

    As the Kotting family cross Australia in their new camper van, they come across a wealth of wildlife, but even more roadkill.

  • Netjetters blog
    Dog days

    Mark and his family bid south-east Asia farewell with one last dose of mountains, mystics and dogs jumping through hoops.

January 2005

  • Netjetters blog
    Learning to fly

  • Netjetters blog
    Made to measure

  • Netjetters blog
    Lost for words

  • Netjetters blog
    Good tidings Vietnam

December 2004

  • Netjetters blog
    Mind over matter

  • Netjetters blog
    Market forces

  • Netjetters blog
    Moving pictures

  • Netjetters blog
    Chasing better dreams

November 2004

  • Netjetters blog
    Animal attractions

  • Netjetters blog
    Bitter sweet

  • Netjetters blog
    Puppy love

  • Netjetters blog
    A week less ordinary

October 2004

  • Netjetters blog
    Cab fever

    Mark, who's giving up life in the taxi-lane, is taking three extra Netjetters along for the ride. Here he introduces his children Etta and Billie - who can't wait to meet dolphins, long-haired cousins and Britney Spears - and his wife, Tracy, who has spent the last few weeks thinking of, well, absolutely everything.