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Nick Baines

The Rt Revd Nick Baines is the bishop of Leeds. He is a broadcaster, writer and blogger, and chair of the Sandford St Martin Trust, which promotes excellence in broadcasting that grapples with religious, ethical and moral concerns

May 2013

  • Olympics opening ceremony

    Media blog
    We need more religious broadcasting, not less

    Nick Baines
    Nick Baines: When mutual incomprehension is a problem, there is a need for shows that interpret, explore and explain human motivations

July 2011

  • Christchurch Church of England school

    Cif belief
    Parallel lives? Not in Church of England schools

    Nick Baines
    Nick Baines: As the experience of Bradford shows, church schools serve all faiths – and are therefore a lesson in diversity, not division

May 2011

  • Kenny Dalglish

    Cif belief
    No, God hasn't abandoned me when Liverpool lose

    Nick Baines
    Nick Baines: Both sport and spirituality involve taking a long-term view and not giving up when failure outstrips success

July 2010

  • Cif belief
    Jeffrey John was not the favourite

    Nick Baines

    Nick Baines: The stories about Jeffrey John's nomination as bishop of Southwark are mischief-making based on ignorance

March 2010

  • Cif belief
    The lost leader

    Nick Baines

    Nick Baines: The resignation of Dr Margot Kässman after being caught driving drunk is a tragedy for German Christianity