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Tzeporah Berman

Tzeporah Berman is a Canadian policy advisor on climate and energy issues and an Adjunct Professor of Environmental Studies at York University

June 2023

  • ‘Fossil fuel companies and their executives don’t need our money. In fact, they use it against us.’

    Canada is on fire, and big oil is the arsonist

    Tzeporah Berman
    Governments need to represent us, not fossil-fuel profiteers. We need plans to phase out fossil fuel production and emissions

August 2022

  • ‘In 2018, fossil fuel companies spent only 1% of their budgets on green energy.’

    Big oil is wringing humanity dry. We need a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty

    Tzeporah Berman
    As the climate crisis escalates, oil companies are posting record profits. We must accelerate a fair energy transition

April 2022

  • ‘The fossil fuel industry will try to frame this project as an issue of Newfoundland and Labrador’s economic interests. This is not the case. Recent polling shows that the majority of people there want a green economy.’

    The world is on fire. Why is Canada considering massive new oil drilling?

    Conor Curtis and Tzeporah Berman
    A Norwegian oil company wants to drill 73m barrels a year off the coast of Newfoundland – the equivalent of adding 7m gas cars to the road

July 2021

  • Governor General, Gatineau, Canada - 06 Jul 2021<br>Mandatory Credit: Photo by Canadian Press/REX/Shutterstock (12198244m) Justin Trudeau speaks during an announcement at the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau, Que., on Tuesday, July 6, 2021. Mary Simon, an Inuk leader and former Canadian diplomat, has been named as Canada’s next governor general — the first Indigenous person to serve in the role. Governor General, Gatineau, Canada - 06 Jul 2021

    Justin Trudeau’s love of fossil fuel will only make Canada’s extreme weather worse

    Tzeporah Berman
    In Canada, almost every policy to help wean us off fossil fuel has been watered down by oil and gas lobbyists

March 2021

  • A natural gas refinery in Belarus.

    Global oil companies have committed to 'net zero' emissions. It's a sham

    Tzeporah Berman and Nathan Taft
    The energy industry is like a smoker who goes from one pack a day to two – but claims they’re quitting because they switched to filtered cigarettes

December 2019

  • The Syncrude Oil Sands site near to Fort McMurray in Northern Alberta. Bitumen Oil Sands Tar Sands Oil refinery Canada Photograph by David Levene 22/4/15 *** FIRST USE INTENDED FOR POTENTIAL EYEWITNESS IN CONJUNCTION WITH SUZY GOLDENBERG ‘CARBON BOMB’ INTERACTIVE PLANNED FOR MID-MAY 2015***

    Trudeau will fuel the fires of our climate crisis if he approves Canada's mega mine

    Tzeporah Berman
    Alberta’s oil sands produce one of the dirtiest oils on the planet. If the Teck mega mine is approved, the damage to our planet will be colossal

November 2017

  • Suncor mine and tailings ponds

    Canada's most shameful environmental secret must not remain hidden

    Tzeporah Berman
    Tar sands have been dubbed the largest – and most destructive – industrial project in human history. And Canada is on the forefront of their exploitation