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Ulrich Beck

Ulrich Beck is professor of sociology at Munich's Ludwig-Maximilian University and the London School of Economics, and author of World at Risk. He and Edgar Grande are co-authors of Cosmopolitan Europe (Polity Press)

September 2013

  • TV election debate Merkel/Steinbrueck

    German elections blog 2013
    Merkel the European will wake up – once Germany's elections are over

    Ulrich Beck
    Ulrich Beck: It may look as if the chancellor is dozing on the volcano of the European crisis: but that will all change if she wins a third term

May 2012

  • EU flags are seen out outside European Commission headquarters in Brussels

    Let's create a bottom-up Europe

    Jacques Delors, Javier Solana, Ulrich Beck, Daniel Cohn-Bendit and others: We want to establish a counter model to the Europe of elites and technocrats, and re-establish its political creativity and legitimacy

November 2011

  • Europe's crisis is an opportunity for democracy

    Ulrich Beck
    Ulrich Beck: Instead of Soviet-style German euro-nationalism, let us create a Europe of the citizens, a community of democracies

June 2011

  • Germany nuclear power

    Germany is right to opt out of nuclear

    Ulrich Beck

    Ulrich Beck: The rejection of nuclear power is a result not of German angst but of economic thinking. We must invest in renewable energy

July 2010

  • Cif green
    No more BPs: we must turn our deserts into solar power

    Ulrich Beck

    Ulrich Beck: The Deepwater Horizon disaster should make us look to the sun, and start a revolution in how we meet our energy needs

April 2009

  • This economic crisis cries out to be transformed into the founding of a new Europe

    Ulrich Beck

    Ulrich Beck: There can be no return to the national idyll. It is in all our interests for states to now abandon their nostalgic self-delusion

July 2008

  • Cif green
    All aboard the nuclear power superjet. Just don't ask about the landing strip

    Ulrich Beck

    Ulrich Beck: Climate change and the oil crisis are being used to project atomic energy as a green panacea. In fact it is a reckless gamble

April 2008

  • This free-market farce shows how badly we need the state

    Ulrich Beck
  • Economies in crisis
    This free-market farce proves the state is crucial

    Ulrich Beck

January 2008

  • Nation-state politics can only fail the problems of the modern world

    Ulrich Beck
    Ulrich Beck: A European community based on the principles of cosmopolitan tolerance could form the template for a new global order

July 2007

  • Cif green
    In the new, anxious world, leaders must learn to think beyond borders

    Ulrich Beck
    Ulrich Beck: The threats of climate change, terrorism and economic globalisation demand a transnational mindset: a cosmopolitics.

October 2005

  • Nationalism has now become the enemy of Europe's nations

    Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens
    Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens: If the EU were abolished, we would have less control over our affairs. There is no refuge in a cultural security blanket.