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Shrub Combinations​

Shrubs for light to partial shade

Shrubs for light to partial shade

Ocimum labiatum (Orthosiphon labiatus) and Tinnea barbata - water-wise, and both will take sun.

Shrubs for light shade

Shrubs for light shade

Pavetta lanceolata and Ocimum labiatum (Orthosiphon labiatus)

Hot orange shrubs for dappled shade

Hot orange shrubs for dappled shade

Strelitzia reginae and Aloe arborescens both thrive in partial to dappled shade.

Sun shrub combo

Sun shrub combo

Buddleja glomerata and purple flowers of the tall, slender Polygala virgata.

Shrubs for bright sun

Shrubs for bright sun

Hypericum revolutum and Tephrosia species are a most attractive hot sun, water-wise pairing.

Shade shrubs

Shade shrubs

Pink flowers of Plectranthus ecklonii and the large trumpet flowers of Crinum mooreii show up well against the dark green leaves of Mackaya bella.

Shrubs for a sunny screen

Shrubs for a sunny screen

Duvernoia aconitiflora, Plumbago auriculata and Tecomaria capensis with peach flowers.

Shrubs for a sunny edge

Shrubs for a sunny edge

Leonotis leonurus, Helichrysum populifolium and Aloe ferox combine to provide an intriguing shrubby screen.

Shrubs for a hot sun slope

Shrubs for a hot sun slope

Glistening white flowers of the scented Wild Rosemary, Eriocephalus africanus, grey felt leaves of Helichrysum petiolare, and large round green discs of Cotyledon.



Dense silver mound of Helichrysum enhance the dark leaves and brick-red flowers of Bauhinia galpinii.

Butterfly Shrubbery

Butterfly Shrubbery

Buddleja, Plectranthus ecklonii, and Syncolostemon densiflorus.

Shrub companions

Shrub companions

Pink columns of Syncolostemon densiflorus, purple Plectranthus ecklonii, dove-grey Salvia species, and dark green lance-shaped leaves of Leonotis; imagine this combination when the orange Leonotis flowers open.

A Neat Shrubbery to edge a path

A Neat Shrubbery to edge a path

Rounded forms of Plectranthus eckonii at back, and the bright green and yellow Gnidia triplinervis. Soft grey Salvia leaves calm this strong colour mix.

Slender shrubs for hot sun

Slender shrubs for hot sun

Syncolostemon densiflorus, Bauhinia tomentosa and Euryops pectinatus. Providing a light screen.

Shrubs for semi- to light shade

Shrubs for semi- to light shade

Plectranthus ecklonii with Euryops pectinatis on the sunny edge

Shrubs for a sun-shade edge

Shrubs for a sun-shade edge

Pink/ purple plumes of Ocimum labiatum (Orthosiphon labiatus) look beautiful against the large grey leaves of Helichrysum populifolium.

Sun/ shade shrub mix

Sun/ shade shrub mix

Dombeya with Plectranthus at its feet.

Shrub combo for shade to light shade

Shrub combo for shade to light shade

Combine Plectranthus species and the Pistol Bush, Duvernoia adhatodoides for a gorgeous grouping of texture and form for a shady area.

Shrubbery and Privacy screen

Shrubbery and Privacy screen

The brick-red flowers of Bauhinia galpinii, a large, spreading shrub, look spectacular planted alongside the grey-green leaves of Aloe arborescens. Plant where there is space.

Neat Shrubs for Dappled Shade

Neat Shrubs for Dappled Shade

Water-wise Metarungia longistrobus and Polygala myrtifolia.

Shrub combo for semi-shade

Shrub combo for semi-shade

Polygala myrtifolia, Metarungia longistrobus and Small Honeysuckle Tree, Turraea obtusifolia. Tulbaghia violacea in the foreground.

Screening between small Estate prope

Screening between small Estate prope

Mix trees and shrubs for a year-round, canopy to ground-level screen. Ocimum labiatum, and thorn trees



Boundary screens

Boundary screens

Screen your neighbours in small estates; Ocimum labiatus, Freylinia and thorn trees.



Using a variety of shrub sizes

Using a variety of shrub sizes

Add interest with a variety of shrub sizes. The light canopies of Olea europea (back right) and Rhamnus prinoides (back left) provide a soft backdrop for the grey Buddleja loricata and the spidery form and golden flowers of Aloe arborescens. Aloe arborescens, Buddleja loricata in the foreground, with Rhamnus prinoides behind.

Shrub combo for hot, dry areas

Shrub combo for hot, dry areas

Yellow and orange Aloe arborescens at back, with Cotyledon orbiculata front right, and Euryops pectinatus in front.

A textured Shrubbery

A textured Shrubbery

A dark shrub backdrop enhance the silver mound of Helichrysum, orange flowers and the large, tropical leaves of Strelitzia reginae. Mixed heights and depth of planting provide a dense screen to provide privacy and to soften traffic noise. Here, Strelitzia and Barleria albostellata add leaf colour and texture to the screen.

Aloes and Leonotis shrubs

Aloes and Leonotis shrubs

Mix plant growth types. . The aloes and evergreen shrubs provide year-round screening when the seasonal Wild Dagga plants are pruned back after flowering.

Shrubby screens - seasonal interest

Shrubby screens - seasonal interest

Choose species with different flowering seasons to ensure there is always something in flower. Plectranthus ecklonii, Hypoestes aristata, Plumbago auriculata, and Euphorbia tirucalli.

Spectacular Winter Aloes

Spectacular Winter Aloes

Deep orange-red Aloe arborescens squeezed between dark green foliage and the pinky-russet Euphorbia tirucalli.

A light shade shrubbery

A light shade shrubbery

Create a soft, attractive shrubbery with Metarungia longistrobus, Tinnea barbata and Plectranthus species.

Bright sun shrubbery

Bright sun shrubbery

Dyschoriste thunbergiiflora provide a gorgeous mauve backdrop to the orange flowers of Aloe arborescens and Leonotis leonurus

Seasonal screens; Sun/ shade

Seasonal screens; Sun/ shade

A spectacular autumn grouping of Leonotis leonurus, Aloe arborescens, and purple flowering Dyschoriste thunbergiflora (native to tropical Africa, occurring in Kenya and eastern Uganda).

Barleria and Hypoestes

Barleria and Hypoestes

A delicious intermingling of autumn-flowering shrubs.

Layered Screen

Layered Screen

Grey Helichrysum, bright green Coddia rudis right front, with a backdrop of dark-leaved shrubs.

Cool, layered Shrubbery

Cool, layered Shrubbery

Mix leaf colour for foliage screens. Silver Helichrysum lifts an otherwise dark arrangement of foliage; Tinnea barbata to the right, and a well-managed Cape Honeysuckle to the left.

Winter Flowering Shrubs

Winter Flowering Shrubs

Aloe arborescens and Dyschoriste thunbergiflora.

Seasonal Shrubs

Seasonal Shrubs

Pycnostachys urticifolia and Syncolostemon species.

Aloes and Leonotis leonurus (Wild Da

Aloes and Leonotis leonurus (Wild Da

Plant these to provide generous quantites of pollen and nectar through autumn and winter.

Shrubs - Spiky foliage

Shrubs - Spiky foliage

Cycad species with Coddia rudis in the foreground.

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