General FAQ

Where did all of your data come from?

You! Since starting this project in 2008, we've been lucky enough to have users just like you add and edit missing/incorrect data. Think of TMDB as a very specialised version of Wikipedia where everything is editable but very specialised around only movie, TV and actor data. We started with an initial data contribution from a project called omdb with only 10,000 movies in 2009. Everything added and edited since then has been users just like you!

In October 2013, we finally added TV. Since we didn't want to start with an empty database we opted to bring an intial import of data from Freebase. Unfortunately, Freebase is no longer online and was shut down in 2016.

How many movies are on TMDB?

As of this writing, we currently have 1,151,338 movies.

How many TV shows are on TMDB?

As of this writing, we currently have 195,877 tv shows.

How many TV episodes are on TMDB?

As of this writing, we currently have 5,196,715 tv episodes.

How many people are on TMDB?

As of this writing, we currently have 4,062,016 people.

Is TMDB on Twitter or Facebook?

We sure are! You can check us out on Twitter and Facebook.

Can't find a movie or TV show? Login to create it.


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