7 Séries

14 outubro 2007

Duas garotas tipicamente urbanas, as irmãs Amy e Lou Fleming mudam de vida quando sua mãe morre repentinamente. De Nova York, elas acabam se mudando para o rancho da família na pequena cidade canadense de Heartland, onde viverão ao lado do avô Jack. Na série Heartland, os telespectadores vão descobrir, junto com as meninas, que não é fácil manter este rancho de cavalos sem ter o mesmo amor que seu avô tem pelos animais.

22 maio 2018

Two fire departments in rural Alberta risk their lives to help protect the citizens of the province's isolated areas.

18 janeiro 2015

Ian McKay and his best friend Shinky are two young punks searching for their great destinies in the back alleys of Calgary Alberta, circa 1980. Together, these friends will face down cowboys and oilmen, hockey goons and movie snobs, odd-jobbers and hairdressers… and through it all they’ll find a way to grow up without selling out.

With the help of Ian’s flawed, but loving family (father Lloyd, mom Helen, and his outrageously outgoing sister Belinda), Ian and Shinky find new opportunities to blow minds every week, exporting their special brand of offbeat revolution for the 80’s – seeking out love and working to change the world, one young drunk punk at a time.

28 fevereiro 2003

Jake Crewe is an American television news host who is forced, after beating up his station manager, to accept a job in Calgary, Alberta as the host of the lowest-rated morning news program in the city.

6 janeiro 2016
15 maio 2020

Five duck decoy carvers from Alberta pursue their dreams of winning the illustrious (their words) Northern Alberta Carving Cup.

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