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6 Guns (2010)

16 03/30/2010 (US) ActionThrillerWestern 1h 36m
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When her family is gunned down in cold blood, a young girl convinces a bounty hunter to train her as a gunfighter so she can seek vengeance with a six-shooter.

  1. Shane van Dyke


  2. Geoff Meed


Top Billed Cast

  1. Sage Mears

    Sage Mears

    Selina Stevens

  2. Anya Benton

    Anya Benton


  3. Jason Ellefson

    Tommy Kleiber the El Paso Kid

  4. Greg Evigan

    Greg Evigan

    Sheriff Barr

  5. Valerie K. Garcia


  6. Erin Marie Hogan

    Erin Marie Hogan


  7. Geoff Meed

    Geoff Meed

    Lee Horn

  8. Jonathan Nation

    Jonathan Nation


  9. Riley Polanski

    David Stevens

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

6 Guns
6 Guns

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget $100.00

Revenue -


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