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American Samurai (1992)

18 03/03/1993 (US) Action 1h 34m
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When a father passes on the traditional family sword to one of his two adopted sons, the other--in a fit of jealous rage--joins a yakuza drug smuggling mob. When the other son decides to find him and set things straight, things don't seem to go as smoothly as he planned, and a misunderstanding leads the stepbrothers into a Turkish arena to battle swordsmen from around the world.

  1. Sam Firstenberg


  2. John Corcoran


Top Billed Cast

  1. David Bradley

    David Bradley

    Andrew 'Drew' Collins

  2. Mark Dacascos

    Mark Dacascos

    Kenjiro Sanga

  3. Rex Ryon

    Ed Harrison

  4. Valarie Trapp

    Janet Ward

  5. John Fujioka

    John Fujioka

    Tatsuya Sanga

  6. Douglas 'Rocky' McDonald

    Douglas 'Rocky' McDonald


  7. Ron Vreeken

    Ron Vreeken


  8. Dion Lam Dik-On

    Dion Lam Dik-On

    Haing Yi / Lee

  9. Antony Szeto


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

American Samurai
American Samurai

Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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