What is another word for denumerable?

Pronunciation: [dɪnjˈuːməɹəbə͡l] (IPA)

The term "denumerable" refers to a countably infinite set, such as the set of natural numbers. Some synonyms for this word include enumerable, countable, and computable. These terms all indicate the ability to list or count elements within a set, though they may have slightly different connotations and contexts. Other synonyms for denumerable include numerable and discrete, both of which refer to sets that can be assigned a finite or infinite number of elements. It's important to note that "denumerable" is often used in the context of mathematics and computer science, while other synonyms may have broader or more specific applications.

Synonyms for Denumerable:

What are the hypernyms for Denumerable?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for denumerable?

The word "denumerable" refers to things that can be counted or enumerated. However, there are many antonyms for the term, which signify the opposite meaning. Some of the antonyms for the word "denumerable" include uncountable, infinite, boundless, immeasurable, unquantifiable, indeterminate, and incalculable. When something is uncountable, it means that it cannot be counted or measured, and there is no finite quantity to it. On the other hand, infinite and boundless refer to things that have no limits or boundaries, and they cannot be counted or measured. Similarly, immeasurable, unquantifiable, indeterminate, and incalculable refer to things that cannot be measured or counted using any method.

What are the antonyms for Denumerable?

Related words: denumerable set, denumerable list, denumerably infinite set, infinite denumerable set, denumerably finite set, finite denumerable set, denumerable number

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