What is another word for disciplinal?

Pronunciation: [dˈɪsɪplˌɪnə͡l] (IPA)

Disciplinal refers to something that is related to discipline or punishments. Some synonyms for disciplinal can include corrective, retributive, penal, punitive, or disciplinary. Corrective refers to something that improves behavior or eliminates errors. Retributive refers to something that is intended to punish or pay back for wrongdoing. Penal refers to something that involves legal punishment, such as imprisonment or fines. Punitive refers to something that is intended to punish, such as a harsher or stricter consequence. Disciplinary refers to something that is related to enforcing rules and regulations or correcting behavior. Each synonym offers a slightly different shade of meaning, but all relate to enforcing discipline and consequences.

Synonyms for Disciplinal:

What are the hypernyms for Disciplinal?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for disciplinal?

Disciplinal refers to anything related to discipline, punishment or correction. Antonyms for this word are terms that mean the opposite or do not have any connection with these concepts. Examples of antonyms for disciplinal are lenient, permissive, indulgent, forbearing, tolerant, forgiving, and lax. These words imply that one is not strict or not inclined to punishment, but rather inclined towards allowing freedom, diversity and flexibility. While disciplined behavior is often necessary for success and order, there are times when a more lenient approach can be effective. It's important to understand the opposite of disciplinal to know the different approaches people use to achieve results.

What are the antonyms for Disciplinal?

Usage examples for Disciplinal

The point, however, upon which, in the prefaces both of the first edition of the present work and of his English Grammar, the writer has most urgently insisted is the disciplinal character of grammatical studies in general, combined with the fact, that the grammatical study of one's own language is almost exclusively disciplinal.
"The English Language"
Robert Gordon Latham
The claim of English grammar to form part and parcel of an English education stands or falls with the value of the philological and historical knowledge to which grammatical studies may serve as an introduction, and with the value of scientific grammar as a disciplinal study.
"The English Language"
Robert Gordon Latham
There is still the question as to the relative disciplinal merits of the different non-vernacular languages of the world.
"The English Language"
Robert Gordon Latham

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