What is another word for discolored?

Pronunciation: [dɪskˈʌləd] (IPA)

Discolored refers to an object that has undergone a change in color, usually due to natural aging or exposure to environmental factors. Synonyms for discolored include dingy, faded, stained, yellowed, sullied, muddied, tarnished, and grimy. Dingy implies a dull, dirty appearance, while faded suggests a loss of brightness over time. Stained refers to a surface that has been marked by a substance, while yellowed means that the color has turned yellow. Sullied and tarnished both suggest a loss of purity or shine, while muddied refers to an object that has been covered in dirt or mud. Grimy indicates a surface covered in dirty marks or soot.

Synonyms for Discolored:

What are the paraphrases for Discolored?

Paraphrases are restatements of text or speech using different words and phrasing to convey the same meaning.
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What are the hypernyms for Discolored?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for discolored?

When something is discolored, it means that it has lost its natural color and appears faded or stained. Antonyms for discolored would be words like vibrant, colorful, or radiant. These words describe objects in their natural, bright state or when they are intentionally enhanced, like with makeup or paint. Words like pristine, immaculate, and spotless are also antonyms for discolored because they describe cleanliness and a lack of blemishes or stains. While "discolored" is often associated with something negative or old, antonyms like new, shiny, and polished exude a sense of freshness and renewed vitality.

What are the antonyms for Discolored?

Usage examples for Discolored

He got down from his wagon and appeared disconcerted when he saw the girl, who fancied that she understood the reason, for he had a discolored bruise on one cheek and a lump on his forehead.
"A Prairie Courtship"
Harold Bindloss
The room was absolutely unfurnished, and the shutters had only just been thrown back, letting in long level gleams of sunlight, which fell upon the bare floor and damp walls, from which the discolored paper was commencing to peel off.
"The New Tenant"
E. Phillips Oppenheim
Now and then a clump of grass or weeds showed against the dark and discolored face of the rock, and in a few places good-sized bushes had grown out.
"The Crimson Sweater"
Ralph Henry Barbour

Famous quotes with Discolored

  • It makes a tremendous emotional and practical difference to one whether one accepts the universe in the drab discolored way of stoic resignation to necessity, or with the passionate happiness of Christian saints.
    William James
  • Men are made fools by the gleaming limbs of women, and, lo, in a minute they are become discolored carnelians. A trifle, a little, the likeness of a dream. And death comes as the end.
    Agatha Christie

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