What is another word for Eminency?

Pronunciation: [ˈɛmɪnənsi] (IPA)

Eminency is a word commonly used to describe a person who possesses great authority or importance in a particular field or area of expertise. Some synonyms for eminency include superiority, pre-eminence, distinction, prominence, superiority, and excellence. These words all convey a similar sense of greatness and prestige, and can be used interchangeably in many contexts. Eminence may also be synonymous with fame, renown, or celebrity, indicating the widespread recognition and admiration that a person has earned in their respective field. Overall, synonyms for eminency emphasize the importance and relevance of a person's achievements, and convey a sense of awe and respect for their accomplishments.

Synonyms for Eminency:

What are the hypernyms for Eminency?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Usage examples for Eminency

Let us grant Christ the pre-Eminency in this, as also in all other things; for he is intercessor for his church, and makes it for them in the holiest alone.
"The Works of John Bunyan Volume 3"
John Bunyan
They also extolled the Prince and the Protector; and the Senator said that there was not any person who came so near to the Eminency and grandeur of the Protector as the Prince of Sweden did.
"A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the Years 1653 and 1654, Vol II."
Bulstrode Whitelocke
Such as were really discreet as they seemed to be gave good example, and the Eminency of their condition made others strive to imitate them, or at least they durst not own a contrary course.
Osborne, Dorothy

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