What is another word for monitory?

Pronunciation: [mˈɒnɪtəɹˌi] (IPA)

Monitory is a word that means giving a warning or an indication of future harm. There are many other words that can be used instead of monitory to convey similar meanings. Some synonyms for monitory include admonitory, warning, cautionary, deterrent, premonitory, doom-laden, and portentous. These words all suggest a sense of prevention or avoidance of harm, indicating that a situation could be dangerous if not properly addressed. Using synonyms for monitory can help to add variety to your writing and communicate ideas more effectively. Whether you choose to use monitory or one of its synonyms, be sure to use the appropriate word in the context of the sentence or paragraph.

Synonyms for Monitory:

What are the hypernyms for Monitory?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for monitory?

The antonyms for the word "monitory" are encouraging, reassuring, comforting, supportive, and inspiring. These terms refer to actions or expressions that uplift and motivate rather than warning or scolding. Encouraging words or actions provide hope and instill confidence in individuals, while reassuring shows certainty and confidence in a particular situation. Similarly, comforting increases peace of mind and lessens anxiety, while supportive offers aid or assistance. Inspiring, on the other hand, refers to something that encourages, motivates, and influences a person positively. Therefore, considering these antonyms of "monitory," we can conclude that they have a more positive and optimistic connotation compared to the original term.

What are the antonyms for Monitory?

Usage examples for Monitory

And Lois was praying, and Rhoda with bitter tears, and the House monitory with the ring of its bells.
"The Unknown Sea"
Clemence Housman
Then I thought that in such extremity for your sake I did right to discover all I could of his secret; at least I would know if she, Diadyomene, were one vowed as I guessed in the House monitory.
"The Unknown Sea"
Clemence Housman
Bare conjugal civility required that on leaving the house Charlie should kiss me three times, and on returning six times: anything short of that I should have considered a pre-monitory symptom of approaching separation.
"Not Pretty, But Precious"
John Hay, et al.

Famous quotes with Monitory

  • Adorno retains the concept of the system and even makes it, as target and object of critique, the very center of his own anti-systematic thinking. ... His most powerful philosophical and aesthetic interventions are all implacable monitory reminders—sometimes in well-nigh Weberian or Foucauldian tones—of our imprisonment within system, the forgetfulness or repression of which binds us all the more strongly to it.
    Fredric Jameson

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