What is another word for traduce?

Pronunciation: [tɹˈadjuːs] (IPA)

Traduce is a verb usually meaning to defame or slander someone's reputation. Its synonyms include malign, vilify, slander, dishonor, discredit, smear, slander, calumniate, assail, and slur. Each synonym presents a slightly different shade of meaning. For instance, vilify and malign tend to connote deliberate and sustained criticism of someone's character or actions. Smear and slur suggest accusations of wrongdoing without necessarily providing evidence or proof. Meanwhile, discredit often implies undermining someone's authority or credibility, while calumniate suggests using false or baseless allegations to discredit someone. Overall, synonyms for traduce highlight the myriad ways in which one person can damage another's reputation, and the importance of choosing one's words carefully when doing so.

Synonyms for Traduce:

What are the hypernyms for Traduce?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for traduce?

Traduce means to speak ill of someone or to defame or slander them. The word has some strong antonyms that represent characteristics of a healthy and positive society. Commend, compliment, and praise reflect the positive and respectful attributes required to build a community based on mutual respect and appreciation. These antonyms showcase the importance of uplifting and empowering each other rather than spreading negativity and hatred. Respect for diversity, equality, and justice should be the pillars of any society, and the use of antonyms like praise, honor, and laud can contribute to creating a positive and inclusive environment.

What are the antonyms for Traduce?

Usage examples for Traduce

Culture and enlightenment will be derelict to their high calling if they traduce that people before they turn thought backward through two centuries, scan the imported creeds then prevalent here, observe circumstances then existing, and enter into feelings and views then bearing resistless sway.
"Witchcraft of New England Explained by Modern Spiritualism"
Allen Putnam
To defend myself was to traduce Don Serafino; and rather than reveal his courses to the Bishop I sank to the state in which you see me; a state," he added with emotion, "that I have travelled this long way to commend to the adorable pity of Her whose Son had not where to lay His head."
"The Valley of Decision"
Edith Wharton
Some asserted that I committed a table of logarithms to memory; others attributed it to a peculiar mental property; and when Societies and individuals failed to extract my secret, they never failed to traduce the inventor and the invention.
"A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume II (of II)"
Augustus de Morgan

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