Faith Seeker Or Faithful Catholic?
“The Word is Catholic” mission is two-fold: 1) to give information to those who SEEK to learn about the Catholic faith; and 2) to help faith-filled Catholics SHARE their beliefs using our logo and products to encourage others to ask their questions about Catholicism. Below you will find two paths — one for the SEEKER and one for the SHARER.
Click on SEEKER or SHARER to start your journey:

As an Inquirer, new Catholic convert, or returning Catholic, you probably have questions about the Catholic Faith . . .
Let us help you find answers. Please explore this website to begin your journey. It was built for you.

Keep seeking answers and keep sharing the Faith!
Click on a topic to learn more:
. . . one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all. [Eph 4:5-6]