11th Grade Science Fair Projects

An 11th grade science fair project can be educational as well as fun. Science fair projects at this level may include inventions and scientific discoveries.
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11th-grade science fair projects can be advanced. 11th graders can identify and conduct a project on their own. 11th-grade students can use the scientific method to make predictions about the world around them and to construct experiments to test their predictions.

11th Grade Science Fair Project Ideas

  • Which fruits contain the most vitamin C?
  • Can you find a plant which repels cockroaches? (or flies or ants)
  • What percentage of home trash can be recycled or reused? How can people change shopping patterns to reduce waste? See if you can give numerical values in terms of weight of garbage produced. Is there a difference in cost, shopping to reduce waste as opposed to normal purchasing?
  • Test products for impurities. For example, you could test toys for cadmium or water for lead.
  • Can people tell the difference between a natural tan and one produced by a chemical product?
  • Which brand of disposable contact lenses last the longest before a person decides to switch them out?
  • Where in the house can you find the most bacteria?
  • Is there a relationship between birth rate and season/temperature/moon phase?
  • Which fruit contains the most sugar?
  • Does sound affect plant growth?
  • What materials are effective at blocking sound waves? Wi-fi signals? radio waves?
  • Does ethylene cause fir trees (used for Christmas trees) to drop their needles? If so, can you use an ethylene-trapping bag to prevent needle loss?
  • At what angle can you launch a rocket that travels the furthest? a paper airplane?
  • Does cigarette smoke affect plant growth? If there is an impact, does e-cigarette vapor have the same effect?
  • Can personality type be predicted by music preference? What personality traits can you measure?
  • What material is most effective at reducing attraction between two magnets?
  • How can petroleum be dispersed in seawater? How can it be broken down chemically?
  • How close can certain crops be planted together without the plants experiencing crowding?
  • Under what conditions of crowding will cockroaches exhibit aggression?
  • What are good designs to maximize heating efficiency of a solar home?

Tips for a Successful Science Fair Project

  • High school projects don't have to take longer than ones you might do in grade school or middle school, but you'll be expected to use the scientific method.
  • Demonstrations and models probably won't be successful unless they are simulations of complex behavior.
  • A junior in high school should be capable of handling the design, implementation, and reporting for a science fair project. It's fine to ask for help with brainstorming, setting up an experiment, and preparing a report, but most of the work should be done by the student.
  • You may work together with an organization or business for your project, which demonstrates organizational skills.
  • The best science projects at this level answer a question or solve a problem that affects the student or society.
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Your Citation
Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "11th Grade Science Fair Projects." ThoughtCo, Sep. 8, 2021, thoughtco.com/11th-grade-science-fair-projects-609056. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. (2021, September 8). 11th Grade Science Fair Projects. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/11th-grade-science-fair-projects-609056 Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "11th Grade Science Fair Projects." ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/11th-grade-science-fair-projects-609056 (accessed January 25, 2025).