Courses and retreats

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    March Morning Challenge

    Monday - Friday 06.15-06.45

    Start: 3:rd of march

    End: 21:st of march

    Price: 500 kr

    Sign up

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    Weekly evening Lu Jong Yoga

    Wednesdays at 20.00-21.00

    Start: 29th of January

    End: 7th of may

    Price: 1250 kronor

    Drop In: 150 kr

    Sign Up

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    Weekly evening tibetan sword yoga

    Tuesdays 17.00 - 18.30


    Start: 28th of jan

    End: 6th of may

    Price: 1250 kronor

    Sign Up

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    NYSTART 8 mars

    mini-retreat in Järna

    Celebrate 8th of March by learning something new.

    Try Tibetan Sword Yoga, Lu Jong- healingyoga and Deep Writing. Inspiring, relaxing and fun!

    Saturday 8th of March

    kl 10 - 17

    Price: 800 kronor

    Sign Up


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    Tibetan Wisdom Sword Yoga 
    Tog means thoughts and Chöd means to cut or melt through.
    Tog Chöd is a powerful, dynamic and physical meditation technique.
    Cecilia offers weekly trainings in Malmö on tuesdays 17.00-18.30
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    Tibetan Healing Yoga

    Lu Means Body and Jong means training or transformation.
    Lu Jong is a tibetan healing yoga where we, combined with mindfulness, train body, breath and mind.
    Cecilia offers weekly online teachings wednesdays
    7.30 -8.30pm


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    The Chöd of Writing & Singing
    Let writing become your medicine. A writing technique inspired by buddhist tantrayana practise. Chöd means "to cut through," which refers to the elimination of all negativity, especially ego attachment.
    This technigue is especially good for musicians having trouble with writing lyrics. We also practise tibetan healing yoga, sound meditation and mantra singing.
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    Weekend Retreats

    Cecilia regulary offers mini-retreats in Tog Chöd and Deep Writing

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    Summer Courses

    Every summer Cecilia and her teacher Lobsang Dolma offers courses at Skurups Folkhögskola

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    Online Lu Jong

    Wednesdays 7.30-8.30 pm

    Start 13th of january 2025

  • Cecilia Nordlund

    Cecilia Nordlund has been a student of Tulku Lama Rinpoche since 2004 and have attended several teachings and retreats in tibetan buddism since.


    She has practiced Tog Chöd since 2009 and took her exam as a Tog Chöd teacher with educator Lobsang Dolma in 2016.

    In 2023 she took her exam as Lu Jong Level 1 teacher, also with educator Lobsang Dolma.


    In 2024 Cecilia became educator in both Lu Jong and Tog Chöd. Would you like to become a teacher? Contact Cecilia


    Cecilia is a singer, musician and songwriter and inspires people in all ages to express themselves through music, writing, movement and exploring and connecting with nature.


    Cecilia is teachning with a great deal of humor, rock n´roll wisdom and compassion.

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    Wisdom Sword Yoga

    Tog means thoughts and Chöd means to cut or melt through. Tog Chöd is a powerful, dynamic and physical meditation technique. These movements, by using the sword, will quickly bring us to mindfulness. The movements are soft, but also clear and rough. In addition we use a special breathing technique. Tog Chöd helps us to feel more power, love, compassion and it helps us to believe in ourselves and take clear decisions.
    The sword symbolizes our inner wisdom. The sword cuts through our conceptual mind. With wisdom, we can transform negative emotions and change ourselves. We are trapped in thoughts and negative emotions, which arise from our past and thoughts of future. We allow fear and expectations to rule our lives - we do not live in the present moment, which is the only existence. When our thoughts are distracting us, we feel confused, lack of energy and insecure.


    Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche has developed Tog Chöd. The sword dance is based on the traditional Yaman monk dance and the Kalachakra movements, but created in direct response to the needs of us in the modern world. We need a practice to free ourselves from our conceptual mind. This helps us to connect with our own power. In Tog Chöd, we use anger to strengthen our power, but the deep motivation is compassion.





    LU Means body and JONG means training or transformation. Lu Jong is a tibetan healing yoga where we combined with mindfulness, train body, breath and mind. These repeatedly movements puts pressure on specifik points along the channels in the body (the subtle body), like an inner massage.

    This releases mental and physical blockages.


    We work with the spine to make space around the vertebrae and we nurture the joints. By this, the elements and life energy will be balances and joints and muscles are cared for in a smooth and healthy way.

    This may reduce and remove pain, and give more power and energy. We transforme negative emotions, so that happiness and awareness will increase.

    We use the breath and movements to get into silence and relaxation of the mind. The movements are very powerful and by daily small practice, you can feel change, both physically and mentally.

    At the same time, the movements are simple and anyone can practice it. almost all of the exercises can be done in a chair for those who are not able to stand or sit on the floor.


    Lu Jong originate from ancient tibetan buddhist teachings. However, these movements are especially connected to TULKU LOBSANG RINPOCHE. He put together 23 movements, modified them and put hem in an incredible system, especially for western bodies.


    Cecilia offers weekly online yoga on wednesdays 19.30-20.30.

    Sign Up


    She also offers morning yoga challenges called "WAKE UP PIXIE"

    monday- friday 06.15-06:45

    The next one starts end of 13th of january 2025

    Sign Up




    A writing technique developed by Cecilia Nordlund and Dolma Yamyang  inspired by buddhist tantrayana practise. Chöd means "to cut through," which refers to the elimination of all negativity, especially ego attachment. (This practice is used in all schools of Tibetan Tantrayana Buddhism to a greater or lesser degree.)
    This technigue is especially good for musicians having trouble with writing lyrics. We also practise tibetan healing yoga, sound meditation and mantra singing.
    • Free yourself from your inner critic by connecting with your “higher self and let writing become your medicine.
    • Write by connecting with the five negative emotions and their opposites.
    • Write with the intention of love and compassion to all sentient beings.
    • Connect with your inner wisdom with sound mediation and mantra singing
    • Get to know yourself with shadow work and re-write the story about yourself.
    • Create a new mythology

    This course can be online 5 times x 90 min or as a weekend retreat.


    Cecilia offers weekly courses in Tog Chöd and Lu Jong - on location and online

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    Terminskurs tisdagar kl 17.00-18.30

    Rådmansvångens Gymnastiksal i Malmö

    Course fee: 1250 kronor (Start: 28 jan 2025)


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    Online digital course wednesdays 19.30-20.30

    Course Fee: 1250 kronor

    Drop in: 150 kr



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    Monday - Friday 06.15-06.45

    3 week challenge

    Start 13th of january

    End 31th of January

    Price: 500 kronor

    Register here/Anmäl dig här


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    Monday - Friday 06.15-06.45

    3 week challenge

    Start 13th of january

    End 31th of January

    Price: 500 kronor

    Register here/Anmäl dig här


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    Mer information inom kort

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    Every summer Cecilia offers summercourses in Tog Chöd and Lu jong together with her educator Lobsang Dolma from Norway at Skurups Folkhögskola at Österlen, south part of Sweden


    More information T.B.A.