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So it works in HS and MLB players do it all the time, but LSU is the place where it is unacceptable? :lol:

re: Howard Lutnick says.......

Posted by slackster on 3/4/25 at 7:47 pm

Not my words. I love Volatility!!!

Ancient is long or short when it’s convenient, but rarely before the fact. :lol:

They are making you look like a fool again

Coming from the guy who told multiple people to wait until after the rate cuts started to refinance- rates up 50bps since then despite a flock to safety the last two weeks. :lol:


Exactly. Yet the op and many others are in full panic

Can you read? It’s “not nothing” is a common double negative that means it is something for a lot of people. I apologize that I gave you the benefit of the doubt in understanding the phrase.


How bout them yields?

What about them? If these Trump tariffs are no big deal they’ll rebound quickly. You’ve seen a flock to safety more than anything.

There isn’t a thing they can do. I deposited $18k two weeks ago from selling a watch. Told them I made the money cutting grass. There’s nothing they can do I have all the information if they come after me. I’d only be worried if I was doing something illegal.

Lying about it when it is from a perfectly legal deal is incredibly dumb. You’re asking for an investigation and potential fraud charge for something that is otherwise legal.

Please break down how much more we will pay with evil tarrifs The tards have tried before and it was an extra 800yr which is 2 dollars a day

I believe estimates are around a .5% increase to CPI.

It’s not nothing for a lot of people.
Welcome back. We’ve missed your level headed takes around here.

re: Is crypto dead?

Posted by slackster on 2/28/25 at 12:22 am

can't predict which way Bitcoin will trend or spike in the short term, but I can pretty much guarantee that Bitcoin will gain significantly in the long term. With that knowledge I open positions in BITX on pullbacks and downtrends and then just wait until I make money on them.

Are you sure you understand how BITX works? Even if you believe BTC is going up in the long run, there is absolutely no guarantee that BITC will go up over that timeframe. Bitcoin is up 25% over the last year while BITX is essentially flat. Everything about the way BITX is structured is designed for daily trading, not buy and hold investing.
Hasn’t scored a bucket since this thread. :lol:
You trading Mara on fundamentals? Good luck.

Im in BITO for the dividends. I also got my positions in the 17's so Im good. I also have held it for awhile now and its almost paid for itself

It’s not dividends. You shouldn’t really frame it as such IMO. Can be misleading to people that don’t understand it IMO. :cheers:

re: Nasdaq is negative for the year

Posted by slackster on 2/27/25 at 7:41 pm

I'm loading up on QQQ: 50% QQQM 30% TQQQ 20% QYLD See yall in a year when I am up 30%.

I think I’d take that bet but it’s close.

If Michael Saylor actually believed that it was inevitable that Bitcoin is going to $13 Million he wouldn't be blabbing about it non stop, he would be quietly accumulating Bitcoin at lower prices.

Some truth to this, but he needs people to give him the money to buy it, and 0% coupon convertible bonds don’t sell themselves.

re: Personal Umbrella

Posted by slackster on 2/25/25 at 6:58 am

Insurance coverage is a cost/benefit. Prior to performing that cost/benefit, you have to calculate exposure. I feel like a bit of a broken record saying that.

I’m not arguing just to argue at all. I truly do not understand what you’re trying to argue when on one hand you say you have to calculate your exposure, and on the other you argue that net worth is irrelevant.

That implies you should have to calculate your risk at an individual level, which is inherently difficult to do, if not impossible, on something so incredibly unlikely as an umbrella payout.

re: Official CryptoTalk Thread

Posted by slackster on 2/25/25 at 6:53 am

I'm looking forward to the next time when Bitcoin goes parabolic and hopefully I catch it in time to watch Bitcoin climb significantly almost every minute for a good amount of time, where I just say wow. 2020 and 2021 included several runs like that.

Those days are going to be much less frequent, if they exist at that scale ever again. So too should the down 80% + streaks that were so frequent in the past. That’s the blessing and the curse of it being so mainstream now.

ETA: If this drop would bring the PE down to something like 100, I would get a lot more. I also agree that DOD cuts will be minimal to PLTR, if not signing new contracts for more.

For reference, price needs to fall below 60 for forward PE to get to 100 and to below 25 for trailing PE to be below 100.

PLTR has no fundamental basis, hence the 25% swing in the last 3 days. It may continue going up, but if you’re trying to value it in any remotely traditionally way, good luck.

re: GDP of each US state

Posted by slackster on 2/23/25 at 11:34 am

Which is to say, GDP isn’t about which company makes the good… it’s about what goods are produced within the physical border of the state. So if this calculation was done correctly, having Starbucks in Washington, for example, won’t add the entire corporate revenue stream for Starbucks into Washington’s GDP. Only those cups of coffee physically produced inside the state’s borders should count. So if they calculated GDP correctly, I’d still be surprised about Washington in the top 10 list.

My suspicion is it was done correctly considering ND is ranked so high per capita. That wouldn’t be the case otherwise.

re: Retirement Decision

Posted by slackster on 2/23/25 at 11:23 am

Wife decided to keep working for now so we have insurance through her work, but I expect her to retire in the next 3 years. That will put us mid-50s and we will just have to buy a very expensive policy. If your income is low enough, you can get crazy subsidies through ObamaCare (thanks, Obama).

If you do some tax planning and have ways to shelter passive income you can make some moves to get it damn near for free, if not actually free. There is no asset test for ObamaCare, just income as you pointed out. Keep in mind it’s a weird version of MAGI that includes tax-free interest.

re: Retirement Decision

Posted by slackster on 2/23/25 at 11:20 am

The two biggest regrets I’m seeing after watching 100’s of retirement videos:

1. Waited too long to retire.
2. Didn’t spend enough money while young enough to enjoy it.

This might be selection bias. People who die with a lot of money will say this.

People who run out won’t.

The balance is the challenge.

re: 1.4 Billion Ethereum stolen

Posted by slackster on 2/23/25 at 1:40 am

love how for the true believers it's NEVER that the asset class is ridiculous and rife with this shite. No, it's some Q level conspiracy shite instead.

Yeah I mean, I own crypto to the tune of about 5% of my assets now, but it’s the only asset that I own where I have even a cursory concern that it might go to 0 because of where I hold it (Coinbase). That concept has never even crossed my mind with my equity and other positions. :lol: