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re: What’s the coolest thing you’ve found?
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 3/7/25 at 3:48 pm
My aunt/uncle own an old home built in late 1800s near Baton Rouge. As a kid, we kept finding tons of old colorful glass shards in the ground after my uncle would run his tractor. Turns out, a doctor in early 1900s owned the house and we started digging up his old trash pile including tons and tons of antique medicine bottles, pottery, two man saws, horse plows, etc. This excited every fiber of my being as kid who loved archeology and anthropology.
re: Tesla stock almost to my buy point at 250
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 3/7/25 at 11:01 am
My gut tells me it’s got a ways to go.
re: Killing existing grass/weeds before fill/level/sod?
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 3/7/25 at 6:39 am
This would be my question.
re: DIY Work - Replacing Rotted 6x6 Sunken Pergola Post
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 3/6/25 at 8:14 pm
Good thought, thanks!
re: DIY Work - Replacing Rotted 6x6 Sunken Pergola Post
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 3/6/25 at 4:58 pm
So you’d break up the flagstone any everything?
DIY Work - Replacing Rotted 6x6 Sunken Pergola Post
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 3/6/25 at 1:54 pm
How would you approach this? Do you put up some temp support and simply fill in hole with concrete before replacing post to sit on top of a new metal footer?
You can see my situation at link below but previous homeowner had a pergola built roughly 20 years ago and it looks to go through the flagstone patio. Wicks up water when the ground is wet, you can see the rot I uncovered that they put some wood filler in and painted over before selling to me.
You can see my situation at link below but previous homeowner had a pergola built roughly 20 years ago and it looks to go through the flagstone patio. Wicks up water when the ground is wet, you can see the rot I uncovered that they put some wood filler in and painted over before selling to me.
re: Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says Elon Musk has lost his way
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 3/5/25 at 12:10 pm
He is taking a bankruptcy approach which isn’t far from reality, same as a turnaround situation. You try to do this in a slow and micromanaged way, this will never get done.
re: Louisiana Tropical Fruit Gardening - Experiences and Updates
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 3/4/25 at 7:49 am
This thread has my mouth watering with some of these fruit descriptions! I’ll be following this one for sure, so cool to see. I have been saying I was going to start a key lime tree any year now.
re: Anyone buy from Fabletics?
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 2/27/25 at 7:31 pm
That company absolutely spams me. For that reason alone, I won’t buy from then. Isn’t Kevin Hart an owner of the company?
re: Automatic Garage Doors
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 2/26/25 at 12:28 pm
I get that in million dollar homes but it is nice to have that storage up there if you need it.
re: Looking for tips from the older crowd on budgeting. Am I doing bad at this point in life?
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 2/26/25 at 7:19 am
What vehicles do you drive? That car insurance seems steep. In Texas, I know a lot of folks that lowered their premiums by going to Progressive.
re: Automatic Garage Doors
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 2/25/25 at 10:50 am
I guess if they get damaged, you can’t really repair like you can a standard garage? Not sure but something to think about.
re: Do you throw fruit peels out of your vehicle window?
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 2/22/25 at 6:14 am
The question is would you be annoyed if everyone did this? You got a guy on here saying he throws a banana peel in a ditch every single day. Even if they broke down eventually, imagine if there were hundreds of banana peels or apple cores on the ground. Pretty trashy if you ask me…literally.
re: What turf grass should I go with?
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 2/21/25 at 6:02 pm
Looks nice. What do you do in that building back there? Is that an office or just storage?
re: Retirement Decision
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 2/21/25 at 2:48 pm
Retire and tell them you’re open to consulting. Is that an option?
re: White Lotus S3 Discussion (spoilers)
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 2/16/25 at 9:17 pm
Lol I see someone else beat me to it.
re: White Lotus S3 Discussion (spoilers)
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 2/16/25 at 9:16 pm
In case anyone is having the same question I had, he was the antagonist in The Patriot.
re: Microsoft
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 2/16/25 at 12:46 pm
I am somewhat long on Microsoft. Most AI productivity gains in the workplace will likely come through them. Also, data storage needs and cloud offerings will only grow. Just my .02.
re: Missing Person - UPDATE PAGE 3
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 2/14/25 at 6:05 pm
I’m sure y’all have checked bank accounts?
re: RIP Tom Fitzmorris
Posted by CalcuttaTigah on 2/12/25 at 11:03 pm
Crazy, I just so happened to watch the NOLA No Reservations episode an hour ago and he made an appearance talking about restaurants recovering, sat down at Antoine’s with Bourdain.