Who We Are

Toys-shop.gr is the first and largest toy eshop in Greece!

It was created in 2009 and came to give to the public access to quality, information and especially the lowest prices in toys.

With numbers, all these years we processed over 270,000 orders, tens of thousands of customers preferred us, they are loyal to us, as they enjoy:

• Quick delivery

• Easy return with our shipping on any defective product

• 5% return on each membership purchase

• All Payment Methods, from cards to more modern ones such as Apple Pay, Google Pay and of course the possibility of payment cash on delivery

• DROP ZONE service and pick up your orders from our stores

• Proper online availability

• All our items are immediately available and not upon order

• Easy navigation in the categories with pictures

• Smart search

Story Telling


Our firm start business at April of 1973 in the city of Drama. These time toys was not very popular and bookstores are the only stores that sells some toys


Store moved from the Armen Street to G.Zervou 13 street, and in 2nd phase in number 11 in the same street. In the meantime Bookstore convert to ToyStore with the firm "ΜΠΟΥΓΟΥΔΗΣ"


Open 2nd Store named "ΜΠΟΥΓΟΥΔΗΣ". New ToyStore in a big basement at Armen 21. Christos Bougoudis, the founder, consider that toys need more space to show and decides to open new bigger store with 200square metres. In his promo campaigns called the new store "The Magic Basement" and this store began to be the must of every child in the city of Drama.


Our first Store moved from the Armen Street to G.Zervou 13 street, and in 2nd phase in number 11 in the same street in privately owned store.


In October of 1998 is the critical moment that our store make the rebranding from firm ΜΠΟΥΓΟΥΔΗΣ to new firm ΤΣΑΦ ΤΣΟΥΦ and open a larger basement store with 700 square metres in the center of the town. This change make the difference to our firm.


Open the 2nd "ΤΣΑΦ ΤΣΟΥΦ" at 4klm Dramas-Kavalas, A modern big store outside of the town with easy access and parking. Here we expand our collection in toys, also in bebe, bikes and outdoor play.


We start www.toys-shop.gr the 1st eshop that sells toys in Greece. We get our first e-order at 2 December of 2009. From the very first time we take seriously the online market in toys, we invested time and money in order to be now the most successful and famous eshop that sells toys in Greece.


Our 2nd store "ΤΣΑΦ ΤΣΟΥΦ" moved in the city of Xanthi. The bigger store of our Retail Chain with 1000 square metres.


In November of 2016 we open in the heart of Thessaloniki our 3rd Store named "TOYS-SHOP" instead "ΤΣΑΦ ΤΣΟΥΦ" thanks to the popularity of our eshop. This store will be our Flagship Store !


August we open our 4th Store in Toumpa of Thessaloniki.


August we also open our 5th Store in center of Larisa.


"ΤΣΑΦ ΤΣΟΥΦ" in Xanthi rebranding also to "TOYS-SHOP"


"ΤΣΑΦ ΤΣΟΥΦ" in Drama rebranding also to "TOYS-SHOP". Now all our 5 stores called "TOYS-SHOP".


Larisa store move to a new bigger store at Olympou 28


All of the above would not have happened if we did not have the partners we still have and grow up with them beautifully and creatively! Their teamwork but also the work with self-denial of each individual, made us what we are today.

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