Student Services
TST provides a rich spiritual and learning community for its students. Aided by its affiliation with the University of Toronto, itself immersed in the rich multicultural fabric of Toronto, TST offers a wide selection of services, resources and activities to its students. As well, each member college offers services for its students.
Below is a listing of some of the services and activities available to TST students. Contact your home college registrar if you are uncertain which services you may access, and to learn about other services that may be available to you through your home college.
University of Toronto Students' Union
Full-time TST students are automatically members of the University of Toronto Students' Union (UTSU) of the University of Toronto and are required to pay UTSU fees through ACORN (Accessible Campus Online Resource Network), the University of Toronto’s student information service, and a hub for everything related to student life at the University of Toronto. The UTSU is the representative body for more than 38,000 full-time students at the University of Toronto.
Visit the UTSU website for service and resources, clubs and events, and general student life information. Located at 230 College Street, Toronto, ON M5T 1R2 | 416-978-4911.
Health and Dental Insurance - Domestic Students
Full-time students at TST are automatically enrolled in the extended Health and Dental Insurance Plan through the University of Toronto Students' Union (UTSU), and the plan premiums are included in UTSU fees. The plan provides full or partial coverage for many services not covered by provincial health care. International students are covered by the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) - see below.
The Health and Dental Plan fees are charged on a compulsory basis as part of your tuition, although students may opt-out if they are able to provide proof of other extended health insurance coverage. This means that if you’re already covered by an equivalent health and dental plan, such as a parent’s or spouse’s employee benefit plan or a plan provided by your band council or through Health Canada, you can opt-out of this plan.
To learn more about your coverage, how to make a claim, and other details about your plan, visit Student Care on the UTSU website.
Study Permit
If you are an international student who has been admitted to one of the member colleges of the Toronto School of Theology, the college's registrar will send you a letter which you will then use to apply for a study permit. If you have any questions about the study permit, please contact your home college registrar. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a study permit for the duration of your studies.
Centre for International Experience
The Centre for International Experience (CIE) provides a wealth of non-academic information for international students. Students can access information on immigration and health insurance, programs and events, scholarships, and much more.
Working in Canada as an International Student
International students may be eligible to work on-campus and/or off-campus while studying in Canada. Refer to the Government of Canada's Immigration and Citizenship website for detailed information.
University Health Insurance Plan
Every person living in Canada must have coverage for primary healthcare services, such as hospital, physician, surgery, and medical testing. Ontario residents access the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP), the mandatory government health insurance plan. International students access comparable coverage through the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP), a not-for-profit insurance plan created by Ontario’s universities. UHIP is mandatory health care coverage for registered international students while studying in Canada. International students will be enrolled in UHIP automatically and premiums will be charged to your student account.
Visit the UHIP website or the Centre for International Experience (CIE) website for more information.
Accessibility Services
A variety of accessibility services are provided on the University of Toronto's St. George campus where most TST member colleges are located. Services are provided to students with a documented disability. The disability can be physical, sensory, a learning disability, or related to mental health. Students with temporary disabilities (e.g., broken arm) are also eligible for the service.
Students participate in an intake interview to discuss their eligibility and needs, and when appropriate, students are referred to one of the service's professionals (e.g., Adaptive Equipment Consultant, Learning Disability Specialist, Occupational Therapist, etc.) to discuss strategies and determine accommodations. All discussions are kept confidential with Accessibility Services and information is only disclosed with permission of the student.
Visit the Student Life Accessibility Services website for more information. Accessibility Services is located at 455 Spadina Avenue, 4th Floor, Toronto, ON M5S 2G8 | 416-978-8060, email: [email protected]
Student Life Services Provided by the University of Toronto
Student Life Services offer a wealth of programs, resources and services including, but not limited to:
- Academic Services
- Accessibility Services
- Career Exploration and Education
- Centre for International Experience
- Clubs and Leadership Development
- First Nations House
- Health and Wellness
- Housing
- Mentorship and Peer Programs
- Multi-Faith Centre for Spiritual Study and Practice
- TCard Services
Visit the Student Life website for more information.
TST member colleges are able to recommend housing facilities for their students, and some colleges have their own student residences. Other University residences may be available including apartments for full-time students. Students may also rent off-campus housing. To explore available housing on and off campus contact your home college and/or visit the Student Life Housing website.
Athletics and Recreation
The University of Toronto offers numerous athletic and recreational facilities and opportunities, as well as organized sports, instructional programs and recreational programs. Visit the Sport & Rec website for more information.
Family Care
The University of Toronto Family Care Office provides free confidential information, services, guidance, referrals and advocacy for students, staff, faculty and their families. This includes a broad range of information pertaining to family care issues such as pregnancy and infant care, parenting, special needs children, caring for elderly family members and more. Visit the Family Care Office website for more information.
Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office
The University of Toronto's Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) within the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture, provides services to support University members in their efforts to foster environments that are intentionally racially diverse and inclusive through the advancement of equitable practices, education and training and the provision of complaints resolution supports on matters of race, faith and intersecting identities as guided by the Ontario Human Rights Commission. Visit the ARCDO website for more information.
Hart House
Hart House is the main cultural, recreational, and social centre on the University of Toronto campus. Hart House hosts a wide variety of events as well as a fitness centre, an art museum, theatre performances, restaurants, and many other activities. The Hart House website also lists many upcoming events on campus.
Visit the Hart House website for more information. Hart House is located at 12 Hart House Circle, Toronto, ON M5S 3J9 | 416-978-2452.
University of Toronto Events Listings
Visit the University of Toronto events website for a listing of upcoming events hosted by, or associated with, the University of Toronto.