
Requests: OPEN :)

@aesthetics-mbti / aesthetics-mbti.tumblr.com

Request anything from MBTI couple aesthetics, frienship aesthetics, colour aesthetics, personality aesthetics....anything mbti related :P (Yes I am a huge koreaboo. Yes those kpop images are not there by accident)


Liked the idea of associating space/alien/futuristic aesthetic with INTP. INTP is usually associated with darker colours, but the crazy and colourful patterns probably describe INTP much better.

*casually slips in Jimin*

Whoops 😏


ISTJ//Transparent//baby blue

Transparency is too often pair up with being “forgotten” or “useless”. Instead, transparency is better described as “clear”. This is how ISTJ is supposed to be viewed as: concise, consistent, unbiased and most of all clear. ISTJ, although extremely overlooked in the mbti community, deserves a lot of praise for the work done behind the scenes.

Yes. I do realise I did two ISTJ posts...I meant to of course

Sorry for the repeat, but I really liked the transparent idea >.<


ISTJ//Transparent//baby blue

Transparency is too often pair up with being “forgotten” or “useless”. Instead, transparency is better described as “clear”. This is how ISTJ is supposed to be viewed as: concise, consistent, unbiased and most of all clear. ISTJ, although extremely overlooked in the mbti community, deserves a lot of praise for the work done behind the scenes.


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