
ceo of loving raiden mei


cherilee / she her / 23 / dyke / furry art blog / supposedly studio arts student / 18+ occasionally
art by my partner who doesnt use tumblr ;3

˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Cherilee | 23 | She/Her ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

hello hello! needed to make an actual about since ive been so active lately! this is mostly an 18+ furry art blog but with a handful of rbs of my special interests. there’s no pressure to interact, i’m just happy to have a corner to be myself in~
my other socials: ♡ FurAffinityBluesky

˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ frequently posted tags ! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

  • #cherilee barks - personal text posts
  • #dogs doodles - my art!
  • #furry - furry art (sometimes 18+)


Sometimes it does feel weird talking about NSFW bans because you either see it discussed in the sense of "NSFW bans are bad because the systems just randomly shoot innocent queer people!" or "The NSFW was bad (supposedly) but all the weirdos who jacked off to porn went away so things are nicer now" and its like

man that's great meanwhile I don't think Mastercard should decide if I pay someone to draw Cynthia from Pokemon being brainwashed or not.

There's just this unspoken rule that kink art is inherently disposable or cheap or not worth defending and man kink art rocks. I love people who create it. People who write about kink and draw it and live it are the coolest fucking people ever and they shouldn't be targeted period.

Anonymous asked:

I don’t mean to come off as rude or anything but how do non-passing trans men benefit from patriarchal or transmisogynistic systems? /gen please, I’m sorry

If you are a non-passing trans man, that means you are, broadly speaking, probably categorizable by most people as belonging to the gender group you were assigned at birth. While this is likely to be a highly dysphoric experience for you, and subjects you to a lot of forms of misogyny, it also means that you reap the benefits of being perceived to conform to one's assigned gender category, and a gender category that does also confer some privileges.

There are a great many privileges afforded to cis women compared to other gender minorities. You are not treated legally or socially the way that trans women are. You are not seen by default as a predator or a pervert, variance in your gender expression is more likely to be seen as acceptable or at least understandable rather than perverse and dangerous, legally you are not marked as the other, and if anyone does target you for violence or state repression by virtue of your transness, you have the power to turn down a whole hell of a lot of that heat by clarifying that you are not a trans woman. Some amount of expressing or aspiring toward masculinity in those viewed as cis women is tolerated in society, and showing masculine mannerisms or communication styles is sometimes downright rewarded even in non-passing trans men.

Within spaces that are for nonbinary or trans people, you can move with complete freedom as a non-passing trans man, viewed as welcome, safe to be around, desirable, understanding of the community's shared struggles, typical, expected, unremarkable, relatable, and normal. Every single trans space will understand you as an explicable member of it, and not police your identity the way they would the belongingness, safety, or legitimacy of a trans woman. You can find depictions of trans people similar to yourself in a lot of media, and that media will generally not depict you as a dangerous serial killer pedophile (whereas most of the media depictions of trans women do). You can use dating apps both for men or for women with a very low likelihood of being kicked off.

By virtue of not being a trans woman, you can access women's reproductive healthcare centers, women's shelters, women's sports teams and clubs, compete in women's sports free from transphobic discrimination, and participate generally in social spaces designed for gender minorities -- this again might be a *highly* dysphoric experience for you and not feel at all like a privilege, but it does mean you have access to resources that others do not.

By virtue of being a man, you have a degree of psychological remove from the "female" roles and standards imposed on you. You still experience sexism, discrimination, and are held to unfair standards to whatever extent you do move socially as a cis woman, but you also have a distance from those standards truly being relevant to you both psychologically and insofar as you read to others as moving beyond that categorization. You will always occupy a position that is less reviled, exploited, excluded, and feared than that of trans women in society, and you can utilize that distance from trans women to protect yourself and socially benefit whenever you want to, whether you actually do so or not.

I think it is important for people who feel resistance to this idea to think about how all of the challenges and unfairness that they very much *do* face would be amplified and rendered more complex and dangerous if they were having to move through the world as a trans woman. And if you can't imagine how *that* would make things harder, then you need a lot more friends who are trans women.

i feel like people really forget that a lot of male privilege is people unconsciously treating you as fundamentally more respectable/listenable/more etc. than other people, and so of course this bias isn’t going to magically vanish in queer & trans spaces, trans guys are always gonna be seen as belong there and having more of a right to that community than trans women, especially non passing or closeted trans women. like even if you’re the slightest, smallest pre-t guy, if you’re in a space where people respect and acknowledge your manhood, when it comes down to brass tacks your word is gonna be taken more seriously than trans womens, for no fault of your own, just patriarchy

yeah and a lot of trans guys just straight up deny that this happens. (as most men tend to do! men have repeatedly been shown in scientific studies to over-estimate the amount that women are talking!). there really is a qualitative difference in how people treat you as a man, and you really dont have to pass as a cis guy all the time to reap those benefits. people quiet down when you start talking, they trust your expertise, you *feel* confident enough to jump in and hold the floor, you feel entitled -- and i guess that's an ugly reality that a lot of trans guys don't want to confront. but you see it all the time.

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