


19c US political rpf/RnR/OC etc.
Talk shits & doodles
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【Antebellum/AMV】Psycho Killer

Happy Independence Day guys!! Hope you all enjoy this!

Like I've said the theme of this amv is probably: humorously(?) compressed simple antebellum history (1812-1861) group portraits into 4 minutes. So most scenes are basically related to historical facts, and the numbers there are the years of the events. However I'm historically illiterate in antebellum era, and this was something I decided to make before I even understood antebellum people lol. I hope there aren't any big mistakes x

While playing this song on repeat it suddenly struck me that everyone in the antebellum era was a god damned Psycho Killer, hence the idea for this group portrait. It's kinda sad that some of the characters I didn't get a chance to draw or that I didn't know enough about them.

If you like this, please tell me your favourite scene and feel free to share any thoughts!!! I want comments so badly😭😭😭I will probably make an explanation of timeline later!!!

BGM: Psycho Killer-Talking Heads

Anonymous asked:

hbd to James Madison

Indeed hbd to Jemmy!! Tho my time zone is not 16th yet

Anonymous asked:

I was about to say "your art looks like that one person who made the amrev Danganronpa au" before realizing omg I'm so dumb but I love ur art

Yes I redesigned the characters for that dgrp au😭but now I look back on my designs and drawings then and feel some of them were so bad lol

Thank you for your love🌹🥹


Wait actually the fact that I’ve been to New York but I was too busy and too cold to go visit William Seward in Madison Square Park is so frustrating???? Like how could I let that happen

Although I deeply doubt that is actually a Seward’s head on Lincoln’s body. I don’t really care. Why

Anonymous asked:


The comments are crashing me out

Anonymous asked:

Do you take art classes or are you self taught?

Well now I’m in my second term of attending an art college. Before that I used to be in some art studios for short terms, and that’s basically it

(Actually now I feel like doing art all you really need is time to learn and focus on it… Surely having good teachers is a good thing but if you have time to work on art you can be a great self taught artist


No kidding but I fear I am not in the history fandom, but the gore vidal empire series fandom

Please leave me alone Mr. Vidal (then realizing I am randomly watching/listening to any Gore Vidal related media again (crashing out

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