High Lady of Night


•inner circle• rhysand • feysand•

A modern Feyre Archeron would love Autumn and Winter because it’s the perfect time to drink a hot chocolate by a crackling fire with Taylor Swift playing in the background as she paints the falling leaves outside the window, while her husband, Rhys, sits in the corner of the room reading a book, drinking an espresso and making loving, encouraging comments about her work every now and then as a toddler Nyx sleeps in his lap. It’s the perfect time for relaxation, love and safety. All things Feyre loves and cherishes 💫💜


I just want to thank everyone who participated in Feyre week this year and to celebrate I though I’d share this beautiful new Feyre art below because I just can’t help myself.

It was amazing and we will do this again next year with some really fun and cool collaborations sprinkled throughout 2023 for all the SJM stans.

And don’t worry about the mix up with feysand month. This will be sorted out and more organised next year as we are expanding our team (hence the collabs lol). This was our first year hosting it so we learned a lot about what to do better next year. And thanks for your patience on that!!!!!

So again, thank you to all who participated and here’s to next year 🥂🍾🎉

Masterlist is coming this weekend!!!!

Ac 🎨: @/colouranomoly on ig

"The entire universe into the palm of my hand"

For the prompt Sacrifice, obviously I commissioned a piece of the cauldron scene in acowar. This is actually one of my favorite scenes in the series! I love Feyre's power, the imagery, and the parallels between her and the Mother 🤌

@/blueillusionart did such an amazing job with this piece, and it's currently available as a print in her shop!


Happy Christmas to all the Feyre stans out there!!!! ❄️☃️🌨️🏔️

Here are some art works that we just love and also gives us Christmassy vibes!!

(Also we’re obsessed with the FeysandNyx x Nessian scene. It’s stunning!!!)

Ac: (left to right)

@/isakingart on insta

@/elthericarts on insta

@/madschofield on insta

@/jessdraw.s insta


Merry Christmas for Rowaelin stans!!!! 🎄🎅

Stunning Rowaelin Christmas art by @/jessdraws.s on instagram working in collaboration with @/readingportal on instagram.

This will be available to buy from the reading portals shop in January!!!!


Feyre Week Day 2: Cursebreaker

Alone in the Dark

This time when I say it's a small one it really is. I still like it tho

Words: 474

TW: violence, blood, death, corpse, mention of Tamlin, mention of Amarantha

Feyre is in her cell UTM


Idk why people expect acotar to have complex political plots and extensive world building. Nothing in book 1 promised that. This entire series is literally just romance in a fantasy setting. That's it. Sjm builds her plots and storyline, personalities of her characters around the romance. She rearranges entire character arcs to make the lovestory happen because that's the main focus of these books.

Even the Villains are boring, there isn't much to expect

Exactly! Like we've not had a proper villain since book 1 which came out YEARS AGO and people are expecting politics and world building like come on...no way you didn't know what you were getting into

And there is nothing wrong with hoping and wishing that some things will happen in the next books but expecting it when everything is pointing to the opposite? Come on

Complaining about "feyre isn't trained, she doesn't learn NC's history" dudee the author herself doesn't know the night court's history so SIT DOWN. Sorry but it's not happening 💔😀

Also what’s wrong with a fantasy series being mainly romance based? The same people who say they love romance fantasy books are the same people who complain about acotar being heavily romance based!!! Like I don’t understand. If you want a plot based fantasy series with some romance, ToG is perfect for you. But I DO NOT want to hear you complaining about acotar being romance with no plot, when that was the whole point of the series since book 1 in the first place!!!

Also who’s to say that Feyre doesn’t know the history of the night court? We don’t even have her pov now and we don’t even know what she does in her spare time anymore 😭

They'll read a book series full of cliches and cheesy romance and then bitch about those cliches snd cheesy love stories. Like just go find something you actually like??


Idk why people expect acotar to have complex political plots and extensive world building. Nothing in book 1 promised that. This entire series is literally just romance in a fantasy setting. That's it. Sjm builds her plots and storyline, personalities of her characters around the romance. She rearranges entire character arcs to make the lovestory happen because that's the main focus of these books.

Even the Villains are boring, there isn't much to expect

Exactly! Like we've not had a proper villain since book 1 which came out YEARS AGO and people are expecting politics and world building like come on...no way you didn't know what you were getting into

And there is nothing wrong with hoping and wishing that some things will happen in the next books but expecting it when everything is pointing to the opposite? Come on

Complaining about "feyre isn't trained, she doesn't learn NC's history" dudee the author herself doesn't know the night court's history so SIT DOWN. Sorry but it's not happening 💔😀

Also what’s wrong with a fantasy series being mainly romance based? The same people who say they love romance fantasy books are the same people who complain about acotar being heavily romance based!!! Like I don’t understand. If you want a plot based fantasy series with some romance, ToG is perfect for you. But I DO NOT want to hear you complaining about acotar being romance with no plot, when that was the whole point of the series since book 1 in the first place!!!

Also who’s to say that Feyre doesn’t know the history of the night court? We don’t even have her pov now and we don’t even know what she does in her spare time anymore 😭


HAPPY FEYRE WEEK EVERYONE!!!! We can now finally celebrate our favourite High Lady!!!

𝓓𝓪𝔂 1: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼 🏹

This specific day is to celebrate Feyre and her courage at just 14 years old. She was willing to step up and be the bread winner in the family, while also putting her life at risk.

We wanted to commemorate this day for human Feyre because this time in her life is often overlooked by the fandom in favour of other badass Feyre moments.

So Huntress Feyre, this one is for you!!!

Stunning art by @/mftfernandes on instagram!!!


Hey all!!!!

We’re so excited to finally announce our prompts for Feyre Week! And again, sorry it’s a bit late but thank you all so much for your patience 💕

We also decided to extend the week to 9 days. This is because we wanted to get as much of Feyre’s story here as possible so we can celebrate it all!!

Here’s what these prompts will mean:

Day 1: The Huntress 🏹

We met Feyre when she was just a 19 year old human girl fighting for survival. She went out to hunt and provide for her family at the young age of 14 right up until she was taken to Prythian. We wanted to incorporate Feyre’s skill as a human before Prythian and the Night Court. This is a perfect time to highlight her wounded inner child, the neglect suffered from her family and her brutal living conditions, yet through it all, she never once gave up on herself or her family. A true sister right there!!

Day 2: Cursebreaker ⚔️

We see how far Feyre is willing to go to protect those she loves. This is shown in the first book when she was Under the Mountain fighting Amarantha’s 3 trials as a 19 year old human, so this day will be dedicated to Feyre and her courage/resilience while UTM and her badassery during the wyrm trial!!!!

Day 3: Winter Solstice ❄️

This day is the most important day of the week. Why you ask? Well it’s Feyre’s birthday!!!!! This day will be a celebration of Feyre and her family. You can freely do whatever it is you want to celebrate Feyre’s birthday. Literally anything!! This can be commissioning/creating art of Feyre and her family during her birthday, writing modern fics of Feyre in New York celebrating her bday, OR, making yourself a Christmasy beverage/baking a cake in honour of Feyre. We would love to see it so tag us and we’ll reblog it. This will be an interactive day for all. So don’t be afraid to get creative in honour of our High Lady!!!

Day 4: The Inner Circle ✨

To both old and new members of the inner circle, this day will highlight Feyre’s relationship with her found family. From Cassian and Morrigan’s brotherly/sisterly friendship, Amren and her viper tongued advice, Rhys and his never ending charm, to Azriel defending Feyre during the High Lord meeting. This day is for all who love the inner circle and their importance in Feyre’s growth and life throughout he series. This day will also be dedicated to celebrating Feyre’s new sisterly relationships with Elain and Nesta that none of them ever truly had before. The Archeron’s are just as important in Feyre’s story as the Inner Circle is, so for those who love all the characters, don’t be afraid. This week is for all!!!

Day 5: Starfall 💫

This day will be for celebrating starfall with our High Lady and her family. This can be dedicated to Feyre’s first starfall, the starfall in acosf where a very interesting red star fell through the sky (😉), or the next future starfall where Feyre celebrates with all her family and friends and little Nyx. This day is for you to decide what you want to do!!!

Day 6: The High Lady 👑

Feyre is the first ever High Lady in Prythian’s history. She is also the most powerful Fae in history with all the powers of the 7 High Lords combined. She defended Velaris, the City of Starlight and earned her title as High Lady long before her people knew she was theirs. So this day will showcase Feyre’s powers, rulership, serious side and her place in the Court of Nightmares, but it will also show her soft charitable side as High Lady too!!

Day 7: The Rulers of Night 🌌

Yes this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Feysand!!!! This day is for celebrating feysand from the beginning of their relationship to them becoming parents in acosf. Nyx will also be heavily celebrated during this day, so feel free to make as many fics/art as you want of mama Feyre with papa Rhys and baby Nyx. Or maybe you want to do something about older Nyx training with Rhys and painting with Feyre? It’s totally up to you!! It will also be a day to celebrate them as rulers together!! *insert Feysand pov fic at the Court of Nightmares in acosf*

Day 8: The Painter 🎨

Feyre expresses the deepest and sometimes darkest parts of herself through painting. It’s a time where she can be free to express her emotions without having to communicate with others. In the series we see how important painting is for Feyre. It was a safe haven for her in her darkest times. When she was living in poverty, she would try and save as much money as she could to paint on any surface. It was the only time that she got peace in the harsh world she was living in. Her biggest dream pre-Prythian was to have enough money to take care of herself and her father while also having enough to buy paints. That was her biggest dream. And look how far she has come since then. Now she has opened her own art studio for children of war so they can freely express themselves without judgment and without having to verbally communicate it. So this day is dedicated to Feyre’s favourite hobby which has inspired many both in out out of the series!!!

Day 9: Free Day 💜

This is a open day for everyone. You can decide what you want to celebrate on the last day of Feyre week. So be creative and don’t hold back!!

Reminder: this week is for all who love Feyre no matter what side of the fandom you’re on. This is not a week to bash other characters you don’t like or attack fans of characters you don’t like. If you love Feyre and don’t like other characters, just celebrate Feyre. If you hate Feyre and love every other character, simply filter Feyre week content and block my account so you won’t have to see it on your feed. Bullying and offensive posts will not be tolerated during this week. So please act like civil adults and spread positivity instead so all Feyre stans can enjoy this week in peace. Thank you!!!

2 days to go!!!!


So when our we going to talk about how tamlin made it so easy for hybern to bring the wall down by bringing them right freaking next to it. He brought them INSIDE the very land they wanted to invade and colonize. That man comprised the entire human world along with his own people and all the other courts.

Dagdan and brannagh were mind-readers freely roaming around the spring court, examining the wall and where it was the weakest. No wonder why hybern took it down in such little time."He was spying on them" yeah he was clueless about the twins being daemati. They would've read every single plan he had and then melted his brains out but thanks to feyre that didn't happen.

The fact that this man even thought that he could outsmart an enemy 10 times more powerful than him and all the other hls combined, after bringing them so close to him tells you how dumb he is.

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