
Omegaverse Collection

@jar-of-omegaverse / jar-of-omegaverse.tumblr.com

Call me Blue! || They/them || 19 ||Asks/Requests are CLOSED || Masterlist
Anonymous asked:

Hi there, I write a sapphic omegaverse on my own AO3 account but I was wondering if you know of any sapphic a/b/omegaverse original works that I could read.

Hmmm sorry Nonny, I can’t think of any🤔

Anonymous asked:

Any advice for someone who never wrote omegaverse before but is interested in giving it a try?

Hi Anon!

For one, I recommend not trying too hard to stick your worldbuilding into preexisting ideas of what omegaverse is. Everyone writes it differently, embrace it! That being said, I think it helps to research and see other people's ideas. Oftentimes, you will find things you would have never thought of but fit the world you want to make. My last recommendation is to have a loose idea of how the basics of omegaverse will function in your world. For example, omega, betas, alphas, packs, pups, bonding, mates, etc. My personal worldbuilding tends to stray more towards equality, but in other verses, not all dynamics are created equal. Similarly, in other verses, things such as packs and pups are not as prominent/important to their worldbuilding as they are to mine. What is important to you? What elements will help your story along or hinder it?

Happy writing!


I do not remember if I asked my quesyion as Anonymous but if I did, uh– can I use some of these for my guide/version of Omegaverse?


Yes, feel free to use my hcs in your own omegaverse worldbuilding! If it’s an official guide or something you are posting to your blog, please credit me!

Anonymous asked:

What are the people/relationships called that live in the Omegaverse in real life? Example: I'm an Omega and my scent is something xyz. I remember there being a term but forgot

Hi Nonny,

I believe the term you are looking for is miscecanis!


Omegaverse Dynamics 101


The internal protectors. Omegas take care of the inner problems of the pack such as (but not limited to) emotional/instinctual issues, infighting, reproduction, and monitoring pack health and mating cycles. They also make major decisions in the pups' education. Stereotyped as weak and emotional. 

Defining Traits

  • Submissive
  • Vigilant


  • Pack Mom- oldest or chosen omega with top authority on the inner workings of the pack.
  • The Heart- often given to an omega in a pack where there is only one omega.
  • Ommy (Oh-mee or Aw-mee)- equivalent to a parental title but used by all pups in the pack rather than just their own children. Usually (but not always) paired with the omega’s name, for example, Ommy Charlie.


The collaborative protectors. Betas can assist in internal and external problems but also manage relations with other packs, delegating pack responsibilities, and pack resources. Betas have traits of alphas and omegas as well as their own characteristics, and because of this, usually pack responsibilities vary incredibly from beta to beta. Stereotyped as dull and useless.

Defining Traits

  • Levelheaded
  • Strong-willed


  • Pack Link- Given to the top-ranking beta. Usually determined by dedication and attentiveness to the pack and pack issues by the pack leader. Note: Not every pack has a titled Link.
  • Bebby (Beh-bee)- equivalent to a parental title but used by all pups in the pack rather than just their own children. Often (but not always) paired with the beta’s name, for example, Bebby Nico.


The external protectors. Alphas handle exterior elements the pack may face such as (but not limited to) outside threats, physical protection, and pack territory. Alphas used to be the main breadwinners of the pack, but as times have shifted, so has this responsibility, and it is now more equally shared among different dynamics. Stereotyped as aggressive and violent.

Defining Traits

  • Dominant
  • Protective


  • Pack Alpha: Given to the highest ranking alpha in the pack, usually determined by age or time in pack. 
  • Sentry- A title given to the strongest and/or most trusted alphas by the pack mom or pack leader. In smaller packs, usually only one, in larger packs, up to five. Note: This title has no relevance to hierarchy.
  • Abby (Ah-bee)- equivalent to a parental title but used by all pups in the pack rather than just their own children. Often (but not always) paired with the alpha’s name, for example, Abby Cole.


  • The title of Pack Leader can be given to any dynamic.
  • These are the extreme bare bones of dynamics and there will be nuances in the roles a person will have depending on the pack.
Anonymous asked:

Hello do you have headcanons about friends with benefits relationship in Omegaverse? Let's say that marks/bonding are not really permanent but like a long term, and very intimate scenting. I can see that it has a possibility of being a norm because it's just really easier to deal with heats/ruts when you have someone. And I also like to believe that they have some kind of birth control to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Hey Nonny!

I definitely agree with you and believe friends with benefits relationships would be more common because, as you said, mating cycles. I’m going to expand on some of the bonding I talked about in this post, mainly platonic and sexual bonds.

Both sexual bonds and platonic bonds are relatively easy to establish and break, and as such make it more convenient to find a mating cycle partner that does not have to be a permanent mate.

If an individual has a platonic bond and sexual bond via physical claim by the same person, both bonds will strengthen. This is because of evolution.

Finding a permanent mate was not always possible in earlier history due to traveling and individuals joining new packs or temporary traveling with a pack that wasn’t their own. Further, many alphas and betas were external protectors, and were not home often thus limiting opportunities to find a life mate.

The combination of platonic and sexual bonds to assist each other in mating cycles was more common in same dynamic relationships (or with betas), due to the same dynamics often being together more frequently due to their role in the pack.

While sexual bonds do not last long on their own, when reinforced by a platonic bond, the people bonded can lengthen the sexual bond greatly. A big factor of keeping the sexual bond going is scenting. Scenting fortifies bonds (any bond not just platonic or sexual), but especially in a platonic + sexual bond arrangement it is extremely important to scent semi-regularly and/or intimately so the sexual bond continues to acknowledge the platonic relationship and piggyback off of that.

This duo bond became known as a finite bond. Finite bonds remain relevant and common to modern omegaverse society. In fact, the use of them only increased, especially between different dynamics over time.

There are definitely birth control methods in omegaverse to avoid pregnancy, and partially because of the prevalence finite bonds, are widely available and accepted.


what about a pack where an omega is the leader bc the rest are still techancly pups nd she just decieded to adopted these teens as her family.



  • It started with one pup.
  • She works a low-income job at a restaurant or coffee shop and a young teen pup walked in alone.
  • She could tell something was off by the way he acted and dressed, so gave him a free muffin and asked where his pack was.
  • Once it was clear he was packless, she offered to let him stay with her for a couple nights until she could find a good home for him.
  • And a couple nights turned into a week. And then a month. And then she found herself signing adoption papers.
  • She couldn't help it! He was such a cuddly, shy little pup, and her instincts already claimed him as hers. She didn't want to let go, nor did he want to leave.
  • For some reason, at work, she became known as the "pup adopter" for older pups.
  • The second pup was brought to her by one of her coworkers. They'd claimed they found this pup lurking around in the alleys looking for food and needed a place to stay for a while. Who was she to say no?
  • Despite this fiery baby alpha being snarky and rather standoffish, it didn't take long for her to adore him and consider him one of her own as well.
  • Several months later, she had five pups living under her roof all of who she considered her pack. A thirteen-year-old unpresented pup, two fifteen-year-olds, one alpha and one omega, a sixteen-year-old-alpha, and a seventeen-year-old beta.
  • She didn't expect to be a pack leader, especially when she was pretty young herself, yet here she was. They were her babies now and she was going to take care of them and be a good pack leader.
  • When she wasn't at work, at least one of her pups was never far. Whether that meant them doing homework in the dining room while she cooked, her under a pile of big pups in her nest, or sitting on the couch with them as she scented them or listened to them talk about their day.
  • Her house had never been louder and more chaotic but she loved it, she loved them all.
Anonymous asked:

OMG young pups who are still in the nest, in werewolf omegaverse are called "Nesties", this is before they big enough to be walking. Little pups that have just started walking are nicknamed "Ducklings" because they waddle like ducks.

This is assuming omega give birth in wolf form so their babies are actual puppies.

This is so cute omfg. I absolutely accept this and love this.

Anonymous asked:

hello!! i was wondering, what are ur thoughts about true mates? and is true mate can be ignored? like what if his/her mate is in love with someone (who isnt their mate), who do u think will likely the endgame?

Hey Anon!

I don’t believe true mates can be ignored, HOWEVER, I don’t believe it has to be a romantic relationship. They can be platonic true mates, sexual true mates, or other.

In summary, someone can have a romantic mate and also have a true mate that fills a different type of love.


Puppy Packs

I've got a few requests for puppy packs, so here ya go!

  • In packs with 3+ pups, the pups will often form puppy packs. Aka their own little pack inside the pack.
  • Puppy packs are always run by the eldest pup living with the pack.
  • They try to solve their problems among themselves before going to the adult members of the pack if needed and allow pups to explore their instincts without expectations from adult members.
  • Basically, puppy packs are very beneficial to the growth of pups.
  • Most packs know if there is a puppy pack within their pack, but it is common knowledge not to mention it or get involved, as that could halt the independence and learning of the pups.
  • Depending on how old the puppy pack leader is, the adults will allow them to watch over the pups alone and take them to public places without adult supervision. Although usually, the pup leader has to be at least fourteen for the pack to allow that.
  • If possible, puppy packs cuddle more than the rest of the pack. Puppies are constantly found snuggling in small spaces or under the blankets of someone’s nest.
  • There can be generations of puppy packs within the same pack. For example, if five pups were born within three years of each other, they will form their own puppy pack. But when new pups are born, typically the youngest member of the original puppy pack will take on the role of leader in the new puppy pack, although they are guided by and helped by the older puppy pack at first.
  • On the other hand, in some packs they just have one puppy pack that every new pup is added to.
  • Pups are dangerously protective of their puppy mates. Because they are not in perfect control of their instincts yet, they cannot control their anger or fear and it causes them to lash out at whoever the perpetrator may be. Even if it is an older pack member.
  • Puppies never truly leave a puppy pack unless they are intentionally breaking off. The puppy pack kind of just lose their title as the pups grow up although the generation of pups in the pack will be closer to each other and better understand each other’s needs than to other pack members.
  • If a pup is adopted into the pack or if a family with a pup joins the pack, the puppy pack usually welcomes them right in and tries to make them feel comfortable and safe. There is the rare occasion, however, where the pup leader will at first reject the new pup to protect the other puppies.
  • Older puppies pass down the non-instinctual knowledge they’ve learned to younger pups, such as certain pack dynamics or behavior. And the adults always know when this is happening because there will be a sudden increase in the pup’s noises and behavior that doesn’t quite make sense or fit the situation. It is both extremely endearing and hilarious.
  • The hardest part about puppy packs is when a pup has to physically leave the pack, like go to college in a far location. And usually, it’s the leader first since they are the oldest. The puppy pack has a very hard time adjusting to the gap in the pack and the pups are inconsolable and distressed for weeks.
  • Of course, that just makes reunions better. The missing pup is tackled by the rest of the pups and not let go for their entire time with the pack. There will always be a pup on their lap or against their side.
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