

Jess / I like Hozier and various other things

I’m truly giving “I never noticed she’s holding a plate of corn in this scene” at this point but I just realized that Jean didn’t know what “a rhino in a teashop” means and Jeremy drew horns in the air to explain it to him 😭 and for some reason it’s so cute and hilarious to me lmao

Anonymous asked:

your thoughts about lucas and zane after tgr

Ooh I love Lucas ❤️ I liked him as a character in TSC as well, I thought he was very realistic. And in TGR he’s even more nuanced with the way he had to reevaluate everything about his brother; his complex feelings about him in general, and how his feelings towards Jean shift over the course of the story. I really like Lucas and Jean’s tentative bond and I hope we’ll see them bond even further in the next instalment (I think Lucas will accept Tanner’s invitation and join his extra training sessions with Jean).

Re: Zane. Ngl he was not AT ALL what I was expecting lmao. I thought Jean saving his life in TSC means he’s got some semblance of gratefulness for Jean but nope! 🙂 On that note, that’s maybe my only big gripe with TGR; the narrative seems super unkind and unnuanced to the Ravens compared to TSC? I find it hard to believe that everyone except Jean and Kevin was a violent monster with zero redeeming qualities (and if they weren’t we simply don’t know much about them). I was gagged (in a good way) when Jean pulled a 180 on them at the end of the book but like. Let Ravens be nuanced 2k25

So yeah I didn’t really enjoy Zane’s character (he felt too cartoon-villainy to me) BUT I absolutely loved the scene where he attacks Jean and subsequently gets decked by king Rhemann lol. That shit was iconic 🙏

Anonymous asked:

Sooo post TGR

How would you rank the AFTG characters according to canon attractiveness?

Okay okay I must revise my original list only slightly after tgr:

1. Kevin - once again, in order to be this well liked despite his attitude he must be here

2. Jean - no need to explain this I think, the trojans were down bad enough in tgr to solicit this #2 spot. Tall and French and pretty eyes and muscled

3. Jeremy - Jean and Jeremy are perfectly in each other’s league. Jeremy dresses in usc merch tank top and gym shorts everyday and still pulls like crazy he’s a 9/10 at least

4. Annalise - just adding her for fun bc Jean was so gagged when he met her. which I guess isn’t saying much since Jean thinks everyone’s hot. -10 points bc homophobic and probably racist. Jeremy and Annalise could’ve been a slay dynamic duo. Tied here is also Allison

5. Neil - gorginaa only losing points bc of height

6. Matt - I stand by this if I had to pick a realistic aftg date I would easily pick Matt

7. Riko - the obsession with the perfect court has to stem from more than just talent I know this in my bones. Also bc @allforthegayphase said it

8. Laila - I was wrong post tsc, Laila is hotter than Cat

9. Cat

10. Nicky - average king, clear skin

11. Dan - average queen

12. Andrew - I love picturing Andrew as just like a dude. He’s above Aaron bc I agree with all of yall that he gets piercings and tattoos and that’s sick

13. Aaron

Anonymous asked:

now you rate aftg characters by their attractiveness😸

I’m taking this opportunity to express my own personal opinion rather than objective loll

1. Jean

2. Matt

3. Kevin

4. Neil

Love Jeremy but no blonde men no exceptions

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